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”Wake up, beautiful.”

You felt someones hand on your cheek as you woke up. You opened your eyes and saw a strange man staring at you. You quickly backed away on your ”bed” which was a blanket on a cold hard ground. You were in a room that looked like a basement. You were also handcuffed to a pole.

”Who are you? And where is Hoseok?!” You asked as your back hit the wall.

”Ah, I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Yugyeom. Well, it isn’t my real name, but I think that’s enough information already. And Hoseok, ah, he is a charming kid, isn’t he? But don’t worry, he’s not dead, not yet at least.” he said chuckling.

”Where even am I? And why did you take me?” you asked confused.

”Aish, so many questions!” he said annoyed.

”S-sorry…” you said cautious.

”It’s okay, beautiful.” he said smiling.

”Can you please stop calling me that..?” you asked creeped out.

”Why, am I not as good as BTS?!” he asked angrily.

What the hell is wrong with this guy? And I hope everyone is okay.

”Well what makes you think that you would be, huh!? And how do you even know them?” you asked as you started to become angry.

”Feisty. I like it. And let’s just say that our gangs aren't really that good  friends.” He said smirking.

”So you are in a gang too?” you asked curiously.

”Yes, we are Got7.” he said smiling.

”So, do you also have seven members?” you asked tilting your head.

”Yes, our leader is Im Jae Bum.” he said as he put his hand over his mouth with wide eyes.

”Good to know for the future .” you said teasing.

”I-I didn’t say anything, okay!” he said waving his arms in the air.

”Yeah, yeah.” you said rolling your eyes.

”Do you want some food?” he tried to change the subject.

”Trying to change the subject, huh? But yeah, I do want some food.” you said giggling.

”Let’s go…” he said embarassed.

”Wooow, letting me walk around! What a great guest service!” you joked around clapping your hands that are still handcuffed.

”Do you want me to leave you locked here?!” he said annoyed.

”Sorry!” you said eyes wide.

He took your handcuffs off of the pole. You saw an opportunity, and kicked him in the crotch. You were kind of strong, so you could get him off of you.

”Fucking bitch!” he yelled as he groaned in pain.

What's with all this ”bitch” calling? Boys where are your manners? Okay, maybe I shouldn’t be thinking about this right now.

You ran as fast as you could. Luckily the room's door was open. Now, where is the front door? This gives flashbacks, doesn’t it?

You went downstairs and started running in a random direction. You saw an door that looked like a front door and started running towards it. It could be a office door again, but it’s worth a try. I have to see if they are okay.

”Looks like you’re in a hurry.” someone said stepping in front of you.

”Please, just let me go! Why do you even have me here?!” you asked as tears escaped your eyes.

”Can’t do that.” he said as he came closer.

You tried to get past him, but failed miserably. He picked you up on his shoulder and started walking towards the room.

”Let me go!” you yelled while hitting his back.

”Yah! Can you shut up?!” he yelled annoyed.

”No!” you said as you let out a high pitched scream.

”What the fuck is wrong with you?!” he asked covering his other ear.

”I’m annoying, ask my best friend. Wait, don’t! Stay away from her!” you said and bit his shoulder.

”What the hell?!” he said as he threw you on your ”bed”.

”Maybe that was a little too much… nah they will just eventually get tired of me and let me go.” you thought to yourself aloud.

”What kind of an animal did they turn you into?!” he asked while holding his shoulder.

”You choose.” you said while looking at your nails.

”Oh my god, why did we take you?” he asked as he left.

Good, he’s getting annoyed. But I still don’t know his name. Well, I don’t really care either. It’s also his fault that I'm acting like this.

Wait, he didn’t handcuff me. The door is locked though. I'm pretty sure that I’m not going to be able to escape just like that. I need a plan, a very good plan.

(A/N) Hi! This is kind of a filler chapter and it sucks, so I’m really sorry about that. I know some of you probably are waiting for a good chapter, but I haven’t had time to write a good one. I promise that the next chapter will be better though!

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