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"Shut up Jungkook! I swear if she wakes up before you even light those candles, I'm going to throw you down the stairs."

You hear faint snickering coming from outside your room. You flutter your eyes open, meeting the bright light coming from your window. You prop yourself on your elbow and let out a small yawn.

"Are you ready? Okay, let's go."

You quickly lay down and close your eyes, pretending to be asleep, since it sounds like they want you to be asleep for some weird reason. You hear the door creak open and put on your best sleeping face. You try to hold your laughter, when you hear them desperately try to stay quiet, but keep bumping into eachother.

"3,2,1," you hear Namjoon whisper. Your eyes shoot open when you hear what they're singing. "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you...,"

You sit up, still trying to comprehend what's going on in front of you. You watch them end the song beautifully, and just sit there with your hand covering your mouth.

"You didn't have to-" you suddenly get interrupted by Hoseok's loud screaming as he throws himself towards you, others following him. You scream as you see him flying towards you at a dangerous speed. Soon you feel all the air in your lungs leave for a second, as he attacks you with a hug, well, more like a body slam. Soon the others jump on top of Hoseok, making you gasp for air.

"I can't breathe you buffoons!" You try to sound angry, but end up painfully laughing.

You see the tower made from human bodies start falling to the side like a jenga tower, as Yoongi, who is on the top, starts screaming as he holds on to his dear life. Soon half of the tower is on the floor laughing in pain, and the other half on the bed, laughing at the ones who fell to the floor. You sit up and can't help but burst out laughing when you see how their legs got tangled up together.

"You know I was close to death back there! Is it fair for seven grown men to get on top of a girl?!" You joke around and get up from the bed.

"Happy birthday?" Namjoon scratches his neck as he lets out a chuckle.

You pull him into a hug and breathe in. His scent reminds you of your father, making you hug him tighter.

"Armani," you breathe out. "How did you know?" He chuckles and ruffles your hair, making it even more of a mess. You open your mouth to answer, but get cut off by someone snatching you from Namjoon.

"Wha-" you gasp when you get pulled into another hug.

"Birthday hugs!" Taehyung yells into your ear, almost making you go deaf.

You smile and hug him back. Soon everyone is hugging you at the same time, of course Hoseok giving little backround noises. You soon feel tears of happiness rolling down your cheeks, making everyone back out and look at you with worry.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cry... Just, thank you, you've done so much for me." You hide your face in your hands from embarrassment.

"It's okay," Jin exlaims as he removes your hands from your face and wipes your tears with his thumbs. "Don't cry on your special day."

"Okay, I won't." You sigh deeply.

"Should we eat the cake now?" Jungkook asks looking desperate.

"Sure, sure." You chuckle.

You start walking to the kitchen with the cake in Jimin's hands, so that Jungook wouldn't give into his desires. When you get there, Jimin places the cake on the table and starts looking for a knife to cut the cake. Everyone looks at you, making you feel embarrassed.

"You first, princess." Jimin hands you the knife while he bows dramatically.

"Why thank you." You giggle as you take the knife from him curtseying, mimicking him.

"Jimin-ssi has finally learned some manners." Jungkook teases him, earning a playful slap from him.

You cut yourself a piece and let the others cut themselves a piece, since you have no idea how much cake they can consume. You take the plate in your hands and dig your fork in the cake. It's been too long since the last time you've had cake.

You stuff your face with cake, not caring that you're eating cake for breakfast. It seems that everyone is enjoying the cake, even though it's still early. You suddenly notice that Namjoon isn't in the kitchen anymore.

"Where did Namjoon go?" You ask the cake stuffed men.

"Uh, he had to take a phone call." Yoongi, the only one who doesn't have their mouth filled with cake, shrugs.

"Oh, okay..." You place your plate down and lean against the counter.

"Should we go somewhere?" You suggest.

"Like where? A restaurant?" Jin's eyes lit up.

"No, a nightclub." Jimin says sarcastically.

"Wait, can we actually go to a nightclub?" This time your eyes lit up.

You see everyone looking at you with disbelief, and look down.

"You? In a nightclub?" Jimin snickers.

"But, I'm 19 now and I still haven't gone to one. I was just thinking..." You mumble with a pout.

"Hmm, to be honest it would be kind of fun. I'm down." He snorts.

Your eyes lit up at his words. You start clapping your hands like a seal, until someone interrups you.

"No. It's too dangerous." Namjoon says bluntly, making everyone look at him like the party pooper he is.

"Oh come on, we can stick together. It's her birthday, let her do what she wants." Jimin rolls his eyes at him.

"Too many people are after us, including her." He asserts in a stern voice.

"Wait, what do you mean? Why are people after me?" You ask him with a confused look.

"You're ours. They want to hurt people close to us." He replies as he runs his hands through his hair, clearly frustrated.

You sit down and rest your head on your hands. You thought it was all solved, but clearly there are many others. But if you just stayed together and held hands, nothing bad would happen.

"But, what if we just hold hands and wear something that doesn't reveal our identity? And isn't it dark in there?" You hold Namjoon's hand like a little kid, trying to convince him.

He lets out a long sigh, implying he's going to give in.

"Fine. But if we do, we'll have to be really careful. One wrong move and we'll get exposed. Are you completely sure you want to risk it?" He lifts his eyebrow as he questions you.

"Let's go."

A/N: Hello! I've been gone for a while because of exams and shit, so I wrote a little longer chapter this time. This time I'll try to write the next chapter at least next week since I somehow always forget. I still have exams, but they can't stop me, I have the power of god and anime on my side. Ok, I'll just take my leave now. See you!

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