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It was three o'clock in the morning and Luke couldn't sleep. He was tossing and turning but couldn't get comfortable. This is what he gets for taking a nap in the middle of the day.

He threw the blanket covering his bare chest off and got up with a sigh. He ran a hand through his hair as he paced around his room, bored out of his mind.

His feet carried him over to the window where he could see the neighbor boy still awake playing a video game. Deciding he'd like a breath of fresh air he pushed open the window and threw his leg over. The other leg followed and soon he was tilting his head back, looking up at the sky.

The cool early morning breeze brushed across his chest and he sighed. "You're not planning on jumping, are you?" A voice startled him and he gripped the window edges. "Because you won't die from this short distance, fracture something,maybe, but you won't die."

His eyes landed on the boy who just a couple days ago hit him in the face with a foam bullet. He shook his head no and mumbled, "Can't sleep."

The lilac haired boy nodded and sucked his lip between his teeth. "I'm Michael." He paused for a second and asked, "Would you like to come play a video game with me?"

Luke shrugged with a nod and stepped on the roof outside his window. His steps were careful, seeing as the roof was slanted downward. He bent his knees a little and made it to the edge of the roof.

Michael was watching with worried eyes, it'd suck if the boy fell. Sure he wouldn't die but it'd still suck.

Luke bit his lip as he looked at the roughly three foot wide gap between the roof tops. "You've got long legs you can make it." He heard Michael say. He nodded and stretched a leg over, the balls of his barefoot coming in contact with the roof of Michael's house.

"Gimme your hand." Michael said sticking his arm out the window, his other arm pressed against the window sill.

Luke pushed forward with the foot still on his roof and quickly grabbed Michael's arm with both hands, clinging to him. He let go of the pale limb and steadied himself before gripping the frame of Michael window and climbing in.

It looked different up close. Michael's room was kinda messy, shirts and socks laying around and stuff. There was a tall bookshelf against the wall by the door. It didn't contain a single book, just tons of video games. Posters covered the walls, some game covers, movie posters, a few bands Luke liked, different things.

"Welcome, shirtless blonde boy."

"Sorry, I'm Luke." The blonde boy shook his head. "Forgot to tell you that."

"Luke," Michael tested the name out. "what would you like to play? I have pretty much everything."


"I have FIFA."

Michael carried himself over to the large shelf and pushed around a few cases before he finally found FIFA and popped it into his console. "Fair warning, I'm amazing."

Luke scoffed and sat down on a bean bag chair, already knowing Michael would sit in the rocking gamer chair.

After playing for a few hours Luke finally beat Michael and jumped up to do a victory dance. Michael laughed as Luke leaned his shoulders back and flailed his arms.

Luke stopped, realizing how stupid he looked and blushed with a chuckled.

"Nice dancing."

"Shut up."

Luke looked out the window and noticed how light it was getting out. The sky was a soft lilac color.

"I should go."

"Or you could stay."


Now we're getting somewhere hellur

Updated two fics within two hours I feel on fire motherfukers

[im sorry I called you motherfukers I love you that was rude]

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