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You guys had like really fucking great suggestions and I've like molded them in my brain so I know how this is gonna go now yay

//unedited you have been warned//

It'd been a few days and Luke hadn't heard from Michael. He'd seen him from his window playing video games, like usual, but they hadn't spoke.

He was growing tired of waiting for the other boy to text him or shoot a dart at him, so he decided to drop in on a surprise visit.

It was a shock when he approached his own window that he saw another boy over in Michael's room. Thoughts swarmed his brain. Not once has he ever seen anyone other than Michael's mother in his room. Not once. So, to see another boy--another attractive boy--was a bit of a shock.

Michael wore the biggest grin as he leaned over and bumped his shoulder against the other boy's. The boy bumped him back and continued tapping his thumbs furiously against the controller in his hand.

Luke didn't know how to feel, he and Michael were just friends. Maybe he was just jealous of the fact that Michael had been ignoring him off for another friend.

Or had Michael gotten a boyfriend?

The blond thought about texting Michael and acting as if he had no clue that he had a guest. Maybe inviting him over and seeing what his response would be. But, he decided against it and decided to invite Calum over instead.



"Oh yeah, mate." Ashton nodded, arms crossed over his chest, standing at Michael's bedroom window. "Straight boy ain't straight."

The two had taken a break from playing video games when Michael spotted Luke making out with the same boy from before. A dry, humorless chuckle left his mouth when he called Ashton over.

"But it's just a one time thing." Michael mocked.

"I have an idea." Ashton mumbled, rubbing the stubble on his chin.

"Wha-". Michael was cut off when Ashton suddenly opened his window and threw something, a Star Wars pen, at Luke's window.

Before Luke could look up and Michael coups process anything Ashton was pulling Michael's face towards his own. Their lips smashed together just as Luke looked up.

Michael was paralyzed in shock.

Ashton continued to nudge his lips against the other boys', trying to get him to respond. He gave a quick side glance to Luke's window. "He's looking, Michael. Play along." He mumbled against Michael's mouth.

Reluctantly, Michael began to work his lips against Ashton's. It was weird, Ashton is his best friend. Everything about the current situation's weird and he didn't understand how it would help anything at all.

Ashton pulled away and Michael's eyes flew to Luke's window. Luke was ushering the dark haired boy out of his room and slamming the door shut. He spun around and his eyes landed on Michael. He frowned with his eyebrows knit together and stomped over to the window, snatching the cord that dropped the blinds over his window.

"What the hell was that, Ashton?"

"He likes you." Ashton smirked, turning and heading back to the game they had paused. "My turn to play now?"

Ashton's a slick shit

This fic has a lil bit of everything muke mashton and cake all it's missing is cashton malum and lashton

Love you guys, Aquaman sucks :)

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