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I know Ashton's not into video games but it's for the book ok


"I don't know, man." Michael sighed into his headset. "He's like 16."

"And you're like 18." His friend, Ashton, chuckled.

Ashton lived a few cities over. The drive was only about two or three hours away, but they had never really met other than playing online games together.

"Well," Michael paused what he was saying to do something in the game.

"Well what?"

"I don't know."

"What did you do when he was over that night?"

"We played FIFA."

"Is that all?"

"Yes. Gosh, Ashton, I'm not a whore."

"Yes you are-swamp troll to your left."

"I am not!" Michael yelled, glancing to his window to make sure it was closed in case Luke might've heard anything.

Over in Luke's room he was having a similar conversation, with himself.

"I should have stayed that night." He bit his nails. "But I had school the next day." His head tilted to the side. "Why am I so stressed about this? it's not like I like him." He rolled his eyes. "Yes I do."

A thump sound against Luke's window broke him away from his weird conversation with himself. His eyes landed on the small suction nerf dart stuck to his window.

He slid off of his bed and walked over to the window, lifting the latch and opening it. Knowing that last time a dart was shot at him there was a note inside, he pulled it off the glass and looked in the hollow area. Like he thought there was a note rolled up inside.

Hi , it's Michael (obviously who else shoots nerf darts at your window) well, I thought I'd just give you my number so we could talk without hanging out of our windows. (xxx-xxx-xxxx) -weird guy that smoked your ass at FIFA

A small smile slid across Luke's face as he stared down at the paper, he looked up and over in Michael's window. The older boy was standing there with the nerf gun in his hands and biting his lip. Luke waved and he smiled, waving back.


Short and quick update bc I haven't updated in two weeks 😬
If you read sugar lips and curved there's a third book now 'domestic'
(you don't have to have read curved since it's lashton and curved was malum so)

I lava you guys :)

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