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Jinhwan could feel the ache in his fingers from all the notes he had to write down during the meeting, but he couldn't necessarily focus on that when he was pacing back and forth outside the changing room waiting for Junhoe to change his outfit for the second time.

They were already running late and Junhoe didn't exactly make things better by taking so long to, as usual.

After what felt like hours of waiting Jinhwan heard the door click. Turning around he saw that Junhoe was finally done changing. He looked at the younger in annoyance.

"You just couldn't stick with the first one, could you?" he commented before heading towards the exit of the building.

"What? I had to make sure I looked good." Junhoe said as if it was obvious.

Jinhwan just hummed in response. He was too concerned with getting Junhoe to the place where he was supposed to meet Jaesun on time than care about the younger's outfit dilemmas.


With a sigh of relief, Jinhwan was finally able to calm his nerves again when they reached the place just on time. They were only able to get there on time because the driver was kind enough to drive faster.

When they entered the building they were met by a tall male with chocolate brown hair. Judging by the way the male greeted Junhoe– with a hug. Jinhwan assumed it was Jaesun. Junhoe proved he was correct when he spoke.

"It's good to see you, Jaesun." Junhoe said in a warm tone. A tone in which Jinhwan rarely heard the younger speak in.

"And you." Jaesun smiled. "How have you been?"

"Considerably well in fact." he answered. "How have you been?"

"I have been well." Jaesun answered. "I heard about the company. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I hope things turn out well."

Junhoe just nodded as a way of saying thank you.

"Who's this?" Jaesun asked, turning his attention to Jinhwan.

"Jinhwan. I'm Junhoe's assistant." Jinhwan introduced, shaking Jaesun's hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Jinhwan. I hope this guy isn't too much of a headache." Jaesun joked, earning a chuckle from both Jinhwan and Junhoe.

After a short moment's pause, Jaesun spoke up again.

"How about a drink?"

"Yes." Junhoe immediately said.

"No, thank you. I'm okay." Jinhwan said politely refusing. The two accepted his decision and went to get themselves drinks while Jinhwan made his way over to an empty table to do some work on his laptop.


It was late at night and Junhoe was finally finished with his schedule and they were now in the car on their way home.

The past few weeks of constant hectic work schedules had taken it's toll on Jinhwan as he was fast asleep with his head leaning on the window.

Junhoe hadn't even noticed that Jinhwan was fast asleep until he looked over at him. He had rarely ever seen the older rest, let alone sleep. Taking a closer look, Junhoe realized how delicate and calm Jinhwan looked when he was sleeping compared to the way he usually looks.

Honestly, he felt bad that Jinhwan was doing so much work. Of course, he understood that it was his job, but that didn't make the feeling go away.

Averting his gaze, Junhoe realized the car was nearing Jinhwan's apartment. Deciding to let the older sleep longer, he told the driver to keep driving.

As planned, the car pulled up outside Junhoe's house.

Junhoe took off his seatbelt before taking off Jinhwan's too. He gently tapped the older male on the shoulder to wake him up.

Stirring in his sleep before finally waking up, Jinhwan looked up at Junhoe, blinking a few times. Junhoe figured he was still sort of out of it since he had just woken up so he led Jinhwan out of the car and into his house.

Still too tired to understand what was going on, Jinhwan just let the younger guide him to a spare bedroom.

Flopping on to the bed, Jinhwan immediately curled up into a ball. Junhoe just chuckled finding the action cute.

Junhoe grabbed a few blankets from the closet inside the room and covered Jinhwan's small figure with them. After making sure he was warm enough, Junhoe left, turning off the light and closing the door behind him.

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