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It had been about 3 weeks since the accident and during that time it was also decided that Junhoe would be put under protection to prevent another attempt on his life.

Naturally, Junhoe wasn't exactly happy with the fact that he had to be supervised wherever he went, but he knew it was for the best so he had to accept it whether he liked the idea or not.

A meeting had just ended and Junhoe's security were busy talking to someone so Junhoe being the sly person he is, used their distraction as an advantage to sneak up behind Jinhwan. He wrapped his arms around the older's waist surprising him.

Jinhwan turned around to face the younger, ready to scold him, but he was interrupted by Junhoe's finger pressing against his lips.

"Shh." Junhoe whispered. "Just come with me." he said before intertwining his fingers with Jinhwan's and leading him outside.

"What are you doing!?" Jinhwan panicked. "You can't just leave like that. You're supposed to be under protection. What if-"

Junhoe stopped walking and stood in front of Jinhwan, causing the older to stop in his tracks also.

"Don't worry. Nothing bad is going to happen." Junhoe told him.

"So you can tell the future now?" Jinhwan joked.

"Well- No, but just trust me on this one." he pleaded. "I just wanted to spend some alone time with you for once. We barely get the chance to spend time together outside of work with this stupid 'protection' thing."

"Junhoe... It's just for your own good."

"I know. I know, I'm just sick of my father treating me like a little kid."

"He has a reason to. You could have been killed in that crash."

"So could you."

Jinhwan fell silent when he said that. He wasn't wrong.

"He doesn't care about me. He only cares about the company." Junhoe said in a sad tone.

"That's not true."

"It is." Junhoe put on a fake smile.

Jinhwan's heart ached. Does he really think that his father cares that little about him?

"Anyways, enough of that. I didn't come out here just to wallow in my problems." Junhoe said before he extended his hand to Jinhwan. "So, what do you say we go have some fun?"

Jinhwan looked at Junhoe's hand for a moment before slipping his hand into the younger's.

And that's exactly what they did. They hung out together and had fun until they had to go back to being under supervision yet again.


Mr. Koo had found out that Junhoe had wandered off without his security so he put him working at his desk for the rest of the day. No work that involved leaving the company building was allowed.

As a result Jinhwan was sent to do all the work outside of the company building, starting with returning files to someone Mr. Koo told him to.

He was on his way to where he was supposed to go when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He took it out to see a text from Junhoe.

From Junhoe:

All this desk work is going to kill me. I don't know how you do it.
                                                             just now

Jinhwan chuckled at the message. He's so helpless. It's adorable, he thought to himself.

He slid his phone back into his pocket and continued on his way to his destination.

Suddenly, he felt a hand grab his arm and out of nowhere, he was yanked into an alleyway causing him to drop the files on the ground.

His back hit a wall and a hand was immediately pressed against his mouth to prevent him from calling for help.

"Don't say a word." a familiar voice warned.

Jinhwan recognized the voice from somewhere, but he couldn't remember who it belonged to until he saw the person's face and his eyes went wide.


sorry for the late update! also, sorry if it's a lil short or boring, I'm just working up to more drama lol. love you ❤

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