Friendship reveal

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I've been friends with Jungkook for 7 weeks now and we haven't told our fans or the rest of our group. Only few people know of our friendship, My parents, Lisa and Rm. Both Jungkook and I had agreed that we should keep it low key to avoid any dating scandals. I don't want to be involved in one of those yet. We both still young and he is reaching his peak in his carer and I'm still getting to my peak. To be honest we need to tell our fans and group. I reached for my phone and dialed Jungkook's number. He picked up on the 2rd ring. 

"Hey Amina did you need something?" He asked. 

" No not really I just needed to talk to you about something. We've been friends for 7 week and so far only 4 people know. I was wondering if we could tell our members and fans. We don't have to it was just a suggestion," I explain. I hear him chuckle on the other side of the phone.

" Sure. We should do that. It's not  like we are dating or anything. Plus I'm sure the rest of my group would like to meet you." Jungkook said calmly agreeing to what I said. 

" Why did I think you would disagree, two great minds thinks alike. So when should we tell our groups," I asked. At this rate I'm pacing back and fort across my room on the phone. 

" how about tonight and we can tell our fan the next day if our company is alright with our friendship," Jungkook said. 

" well it's settled tonight at 7:00 you"ll meet my group and I'll meet yours, gotta go Mimi out,  "Kookie out," we did out signature byes and cancelled the call. I get dressed and head downstairs. I had some oatmeal and played with my dog, Boss baby. My parents named him.   
             ~ That evening~

"Okay I called all of you here to discuss something that could have a good or bad impact on our groups. My news should be here any minute now. Oh there it is," I exclaimed to the crowd in the living room. I open the door for seven boys. 

"you guys might be wondering why is BTS here and why are we at Blackpink's dorm. Well Jungkook and I have something to tell you. We been friends for a while and we wanted to tell our groups and fans now before  we are involved in any dating scandals" I said. The boys sit on the couch and Jungkook and I stand awkwardly. 

"we appreciate that you told us before any scandal was made. Now all we have to do is release a statement saying that you guys are just friends and nothing more. Although it wouldn't be bad if you guys decided to be more than friends. YG and Big Hit would both set out another statement like we did for Hoseok," our managers had stated.  Our groups burst out in laughter and Jungkook and I rushed to silence any claim that we would be dating. 

"oh no we are just friend nothing more and for our careers are not planning to be more," Jungkook and I desperately tried to get out before anyone started shipping us. Our manager saw no reasons to still be there as we had cleared any complications. For the rest of the night we just hang out. Blackpink and Bangtan all under one roof getting along. Seems like a dream for some people, but it's my reality. Later that night I stayed up on the phone with Jungkook talking about random stuff and what we will do tomorrow. So I'm gonna go live and explain that Jungkook and I are just friends. That wouldn't be enough his fans wouldn't believe me so immediately after I go live his fans should get a notifications from him about us on Vlive. Hopefully it works. I remember jungkook's manager saying something about releasing a statement for J-Hope. I looked up some articles on Jhope's announcements. I had found the exact statement. He is dating a girl named Mariah. He had some hate and some support, more support than hate at least. And get this, shes is African american. I go to bed feeling better about the whole situation.

~The next day~

I woke up and checked my phone. I got  text message from Jungkook telling me good luck. I send the luck bad and did my routine. After getting dressed I told the girls the plan.

"Unnie Lisa has written out what i'm gonna  to say on huge poster board. I'll gonna repeat them and shouldn't have any trouble because this is all from my heart. Any questions before I start the live," I laid out the plan perfectly so I wont worry about messing up. This can trigger the lost of fans from groups and some gain but still I can't risk messing up. 

" I have one if we do lose fan would that stop you from being friends with Jungkook. You guys are like twins so in sync with each other," Jennie had said. 

" No Jungkook and I made a promise that if anything happen we would still be friends. Plus I did some research. Jhope has a girlfriend. He released a statement like that. There fans took it well. Majority of them did. Her name was Mariah. Shes like me, but full African american. She came to Seoul to make a career in dance. One of her mentors had choreographed one of BTS songs and that's how she met Hoseok. At least that's what Jungkook told me," I reassured her. after that we started the live. 

"Hello Blinks I have something really important to tell you. As you know I don't have any friends in this industry but I have been friends with an idol. He's also a 97er like me and we been friend since the MAMA Awards. He is Jungkook of BTS. I hope you guys accept out friendship," I stop to read the comments. Most were good and some were bad but one catches my eye. Is this a publicity stunt to get you more fans?

"This isn't a way for us get more fans. Jungkook and I met at the after party. Jungkook is an very dear friend. He helps me with the idol stuff and has always been there for me. He's kind and smart. He knows more of the idol stuff than me and if he knew something he would let me know. I understand it may seem like we are using this because he is reaching popularity in America,but it really isn't. Jungkook is the closest friend other than the girls I have in this industry who knows and accepts me for me," i state. After that I say good bye and thank my fans for support and stop the live. 

'Well that went better than expected," Rose had said. Soon after Jungkook had went live he had explained his side of the story and his fans seem to believe. After he finished we were all on the internet. 

 Plenty of people are supporting. 

~Later that day~

Jungkook had called to me and wanted to go to the coffee shop where he always go to cool down. I agree and get dressed in something casual. I arrived a little before he does and orders a muffin. Halfway into my muffin he shows up. 

" yo did you see the edits our fans are making of us. We legit have a ship name," Jungkook said.

" I kinda like them it points out how alike we kinda are. Our fans can be something else some times. Its nothing special. They do the same for Jennie and Lisa and you and Taehyung," I tell him. He gets Muffin and a iced coffee and we just enjoy ourselves. Our phone buzzes and a picture of us have been uploaded. We laugh and continue hanging out.

Lee Amina•Blackpink Fifth MemberWhere stories live. Discover now