A love story about a strawberry blonde and certain red speedster
Cover by: @parxbciz
The Flash & Teen Wolf crossover
I do not own anything/ Teen Wolf belongs to Jeff Davis and The Flash (t.v. show) belongs to Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geof...
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[Not Edited]
Lydia, Iris and Natalie had all been asked to come into jitters. The owner came up with a brilliant idea to have a half price coffee day and everyone and their mother had come through the shop.
The rush had finally died down, giving Lydia and Iris the chance to talk. Iris began to tell Lydia about her and Barry's fight, "What do you mean you and Barry aren't talking?" Lydia was shocked to say the least.
"What, do you want me to say Lyds. We had this big argument about my blog and he said we shouldn't talk to each other for awhile." Iris was evidently sad about the situation, but it didn't stop the strawberry blonde from pushing more.
"I highly doubt he actually meant that." And Lydia really believed that. In the short time she knew Barry, she knew that he was a fish out of water if he went more than 24 hours without talking to Iris.
"Well, it's true. Now let's talk about something else." Lydia wanted to push further, but Natalie had come back from restocking. Lydia decided to place her in the storage room after a couple of customers complained that their lattes tasted like someone just put warm water in their cup. "I've been meaning to ask you, where's your shadow?"
"What shadow?" Iris and Lydia both looked at Natalie in confusion.
"Barry. He hasn't been in all week." She had replied nonchalantly.
"Getting his fix somewhere else." Iris said while roughly cleaning the the counters. It was obvious to that she couldn't fully ignore the Barry situation. Between her dad and Eddie questioning her about Barry to Lydia and now Natalie, she couldn't run from the problem.
"Too bad. He's cute, I kind of miss having him around." Lydia scrunched her face at Natalie's comment. It was okay if Iris said it because she meant it in a puppy kind of way and it was okay for her to say it because she meant it in a friend way. But when Natalie said it, it just felt wrong to Lydia.
"Iris? Long time no see." A voice came from behind the Iris, who was in front of the counter, whereas Lydia and Natalie where behind the counter. The strawberry blonde turned her attention to the figure. He was tall, muscular guy, with brown hair. Lydia's type when she was in high school. "I got to say, Iris, you look amazing." The way he was talking to Iris, Lydia assumed the pair knew each other.
"Thanks, Tony. Um, you too." Lydia was a woman of many talents. And one of them being that she could read a person like a book. It obvious Iris felt uncomfortable around the guy. Natalie had already left to tend to other customers, but Lydia walked over to where Iris was and planted herself right next to her. She had placed a hand on Iris, as a silent reassurance that she wouldn't be alone with him.
"Oh, yeah. I keep in shape. I got a gym at my place. Who's your friend?" He asked. Lydia took notice of how he was looking her up and down. She had to restrain herself from rolling her eyes and replying back with a snarky comment, but she knew it wasn't the time. Iris had already tensed up five more times when he asked her who Lydia was and she didn't want make her feel more on edge.