Last day in Gotham

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Robin comes down the stairs dressed for the day, no mask, and his arm in a sling. " Good morning. " Alfred says as Robin walks into the huge kitchen. " Good morning Alfred, Where is everyone?? " " I believe your friends Cyborg and Beastboy went out to a video game convention that was held today. Raven went to that store that is always dark. Starfire and Barbara are in the cave. and Master Bruce is at the office. " Robin chuckles. " Thanks Alfred. " Robin goes down to the bat cave to see the two girls. " Hey Barbs, Star. " He says. " Hey, so Cyborg tells me you guys are leaving tomorrow? " Barbara asks. " Yea, we need to get back to our city. " " Oh, but we most definitely will come back. and maybe sometimes you could come visit Jump City. " Starfire says as she fly's up to Barbara. " Yea, sounds like a plan. " She giggles. " So are we going out one last time? " Robin asks. " Yeah, I can hang for a bit. Raven wanted to catch up later for some tea so I got like an hour. " Barbara says. " Raven wanted to hang with you?? " Robin says surprised. " Yeah, why? " " Nothing, Raven must really like you than if she wants to hang. " Starfire says as she giggles. The three leave on the bikes, Starfire riding with Robin. They park their bikes at the park and walk around. Starfire tells Barbara about the villains and hero's in Jump City. " So there's another tower on the East of our city. " Barbara asks. " Yea, but its not as update like our Tower is. " Robin says. Barbara looks at her cell phone. " Hey guys, I'm got to meet up with Raven soon, ill see you guys later. " " Okay, have fun. " Starfire says. " Right back at you. " Barbara says as she walks away. " Starfire looks at Robin and smiles. The two continue to walk around and talk. They grabbed a bite to eat at a stand and sit down under a tree by the pond. " I ha fun. " Starfire says. " I'm glad you did. " Starfire thinks for a second. " Robin?? " She says lightly. " Yea?? " " Are you okay? Really? " Robin looks into her eyes. " Starfire, you really worry to much. I feel fine, i promise. " Robin says. " No, i mean. Were you really okay coming here? " Robin looks down. " Maybe, not at first. but after awhile I felt at home again. "  Starfire smiles and falls back into the grass looking up  into the sky. Robin stares at her. Her beautiful bright red hair scattered across the green grass. A cold breeze blows by and Starfire shivers. Robin laughs. " You cold? " he asks. " kind of " She admits. Robin takes off his jacket and places it over her, and lays down next to her looking up at the sky. " Isn't it beautiful? All the puffy clouds. " Starfire says as she turns her head to look at Robin. Robin turns his head and looks back at her and smiles. " Yeah, " The two are an inch away from each other. Robin slowly turns closer to Star as she closes her eyes. The two share a perfect kiss. Starfire smiles when they stop. " It was me, right. The person you said you liked? " Robin chuckles. " Yes. " " I'm glad, because I've always really liked you to. " She admits. Starfire sits up pulling Robin with her. " Really? " He asks. " Oh yes. " Star says as she kisses Robin again. " And have I mentioned how pretty your eyes are? " She says when she pulls away. The two talk for hours more when they get interrupted by a call on the communicator. " Hello? " Robin answers. " Dude? Where are you guys? Its almost nine. Everyone's back at the Manor. " Beastboy says. " Were fine, don't wait up for us. " Robin says as he hangs up. " I want to show you something. " Robin says as he grabs Starfires hand and guides her with him. He takes her into the forest and finally comes into a small area of grass surrounded by trees. " This is a hideout that me and Barbara made when we were kids. Its the perfect spot to look at the stars. " Robin says. Starfire sits down with Robin. " Its beautiful. " She says. Meanwhile. " So are those two coming home or not? " Cyborg asks. " I don't know. I think its good for them to spend time together. " Barbara says. " Well, I'm going to go pack. " Raven says as she stands. " Yeah, we leave in the morning. Should We get Robins and Stars stuff together to?? " Cyborg says. " I don't think they will be back anytime soon so ill get Robins together for you. " Barbara says. Raven packs up her things and Starfires  things and brings it to the car. Cyborg bringing the rest of the luggage. Then everyone heads off to bed. " Should we be getting back to the Manor? " Starfire asks. The two are laying down again in the hideout in the pitch black night with the light from the moon. " If you want. " Robin reply's. Starfire yawns and turns over to her side, into Robins chest. " Robin places his jacket across them both and lays his head against hers. The two eventually fall asleep.

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