Evening cigar

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You're sitting in your chair. Cigar in your hand and a glass of booze on the table. You queue some music. It's simply the perfect evening. Being the introvert that you are, you're happy that you finally get some time alone. What can possibly go wrong now eh? You're getting a bit tired since it's already 2 am. You decide to make a great cup of coffee (even tho you only have the cheapest coffee you could find). You stand up, go to the kitchen. You take an empty cup, boil the water, reach for the coffee and milk and...the milk is gone. "Well fuck," you think to yourself. But then you remember, that there's this amazing 24/7 shop nearby.

You start thinking. 

I could go to for some fresh milk, buy another cup of cigs and I might even breathe some fresh air for once. But it's cold outside, I mean...I don't want to catch a cold. Maybe I should just go to sleep, but I don't want to, sleeping's boring anyways. Besides, it's late outside and one can never know what's going on outside during the night, maybe I'll run into some freaks or maybe even robbers. What if I was destined to run out of milk? Nah, that's just dumb. I need to stop being lazy and get that fucking milk for fuck sake. You put on your clothes and you open your front door. I mean, what can go possibly wrong?

Well, it is cold, you got that one right. Oh well, the milk is worth it.  You really want that coffee. You see a group of 7 people and being the introvert, paranoic shit that you are, you decide to take a turn left just in case they were hostile. You never took that turn, but whatever, you know this town, right? You walk another 100 meters and you realize something. You are an idiot that does not know the town after all. You are lost, hopeless, cold and tired (a bit overdramatic, but oh well, you'd give up quickly as well). Fuck it, you'll just find a way. So you decide to take a turn right and quickly go back because you see some hookers down the road. You miserable piece of shit. I should've just go with black coffee instead. Too late to turn back tho.

You finally realize, that you could just go back to the road that you actually know and everything will be good again. You walk past a few people (something you wouldn't normally do, but you're freezing and in need of a strong coffee). You take a turn right then left then right and right again. Oh no, looks like you're fucked. You can't even find the way back. Oh, don't worry, you can ask the people around you (Wait no you can't because of your amazing <anxiety>) 

OH FUCK YES. You found the way back. Only took you about 15 minutes. Maybe you'll be fine now? And oh look, you are. You actually got to the shop. You open the doors, walk in and...uh...what in the fuck. The milk is sold out. You want to scream in agonizing pain. You went through all of this, just to get that motherfucking milk. You buy a pack of cigs instead and head back home. You actually manage to find the fucking way home without any <inconveniences> how fucking amazing am I right?

You open your front door just to see a lot of smoke coming out of the kitchen and a really bad smell. You didn't let the water boil for 1 hour straight, didn't you? HAHAHAAAA, of course, you fucking did. Well, amazing. Now you gotta deal with this shit. All you fucking wanted was a good cup of coffee, you never asked for anything more than that. It takes you another hour to get rid of the smell and the smoke. You sit back in your chair and scream at the top of your lungs (well, internally scream, cuz you really don't want to have a problem with your neighbours now). You're a fucking idiot, you couldn't do anything good today. Your life is meaningless and empty.


As you can see, it's really unoriginal shit and nobody wants to read it, but I am bored. Here you go you ungrateful shits. 

The moral of the story? Don't be a pathetic piece of shit ig? idfk tbh...


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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