Chapter 6

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« Beyoncé »

Quincy and I were riding around Houston looking at some nice house we would possibly be moving into in the next couple of months. I'm also looking at some possible gifted schools for him. He's very smart. While we were in Japan, he was homeschooled by an American tutor, but she was bilingual in many languages and taught him high school leveled academics.

He's ahead for his age.

As much as I would like for him to skip a couple of grades, I know that may not happen because of the education rules, so I'm at least gonna try to get him into a gifted program.

Shawn and I texted a bit last night in regards to Quincy and him meeting today. We were gonna get some lunch together, but his wife started bullshitting through the phone. I'm just gonna say! If he wants to be in Quincy's life, he's going to have to tell her about him.



"Huh?" He said.

"I need to talk to talk about something." I told him.

"What?" He asked.

I sighed, "You remember when....I told you that I know your father, but I never really told him about you cause you were born in Japan?"

He nodded.

"Well, he lives Dallas, Texas, but he's down here in Houston. I've seen and talked to him and he wants to meet you. Well he kinda already has." I added.

"So the short black guy is my Dad like he said?" He asked.

"Kanye?" I asked. "No! It's Shawn!"

"Oh! I think I knew that." He said. "I saw his name on the top of Instagram feed in your phone."

"Well he is your Daddy so I figured we would meet him for ice cream in a second. We planned for lunch, but something came up. That's why we went ahead and ate."

He shrugged.

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. I know the move to the states is already enough to handle, but I know you're gonna fine. I know you have to get used to my family and your Dad so soon, but you'll be fine." I told him.

"I'm going to public school now?" He asked.

"I don't know! I think you will do well in public school. I'm looking more towards a gifted public school though. Maybe private"

He nodded.

I pulled up beside Shawn's rental car. The three of us got out and walked inside Simon's Milkshakes and Ice Cream. Without saying a word, Shawn and Quincy hugged. I could help but take a picture.

"You didn't want any ice cream?" Shawn asked.

I shook my head, "Yeah! I was just saving us a table by the window." I told him.

"Here you go!" He said handing me five dollar bill.

"I got it! Thank you!"

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah!" I nodded.

The whole time I was fixing my ice cream, I glanced at Q and Shawn talking. Q is very anti-social and quiet, but to see him and his father talking and smiling made me really happy.

I began to eat my ice cream once I sat back down. They were both laughing.

"You gotta phone? I wanna stay in contact with you." Shawn said.

"Not my own! I have my Mom's second phone for when she leaves me by myself sometimes." He said.

"I'm thinking about getting him a phone next week. I'll let you know when he gets one." I told him.

He nodded, "So what's your plan? You said you were looking at houses earlier?" He questioned.

"Yeah! We saw some nice ones. They're really nice and in quiet neighborhoods. I'm trying to decide on a school for him so I can look around the area. I haven't found any yet."

"Did he go to school in Japan?"

"No! He was homeschooled. I'm looking at gifted schools. I've even thought of private gifted schools instead of public." He nodded.

"They have some nice neighborhoods over in Washington Heights. It's a nice private school. The whole school isn't gifted, but they do have a gifted programmed he can get into by taking a subject test." Shawn explained.

"What'd you say? Washington Heights?" I asked pulling out an ink pen and small sheet of paper. He nodded his head, "Yeah! They're some nice houses not far from it as well. What kind you looking for?"

"Just something nice but near the school. I don't want him to ride the bus. I wanna be able to take him without driving ten miles."

"I gotchu!" He nodded. "So what have you been doing with yourself?"

"Just trying to see what I want for myself and him. I kinda wanna go back to school." I shrugged.

"For what? RN?"

I laughed at him remembering that my backup plan for the military was to become an RN! I'm actually halfway through my studies since I started during my basic training.

"Yeah! I'm halfway done with my studies."

"Well seems like you gotta good plan going. You can getchu a nice house and nice car with the military checks and then stay home and go to school."

"Yep!" I nodded. "So how's life in Dallas with you and your growing family?"

"It's going." He nodded.

"How many kids do you and your wife have?" I asked.

"Two and one on the way. A boy and a girl and we just found out the baby is a girl. Vinnie, Khloe, and Ayla."

I nodded, "Cool! Congrats on the baby!"

"Thank you!" He said. "So how often will I be able to see him?"

I shrugged cause with Veronica acting the way she's been acting, it's gonna be a living hell anyway. I won't be stressing it though. "That's between you and your wife. You gonna tell her?"

"Yeah! Real soon." He said. "Probably when we get back so she can't try no bullshit over here."

"Okay! You know I'm not gonna keep him from you anymore than I have to. You can come see him and vice versa."

"We'll work it out. I'll just let you know when I talk to her cause I know she's gonna be on fire." He said.

"Alright!" I nodded.

The meet up with Shawn and Quincy went better than expected. At the this point, now that I know my Mom is getting over me not telling her and that Shawn and Q are wanting to see each other more in the future, I can start planning. I want to be in my Mom's house two months max. During that time, I want to be finding a house and school for me and Q.

Thanks for reading! ❤️

🏹 What do y'all think about Shawn and Q's relationship?

🏹 How is Veronica going to act to the news of Quincy being Shawn's son?

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