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"Who are you?" Lyra asked as she stared in amazement.

"I am Serafina Pekkala, Samaria's mother by blood. Clan-queen of the witches of Lake Enara" she replied.

"A witch?" said Lyra again, but this time turning to us. She turns back and frowns "Where's your daemon!"

"Kaisa can fly a long way from me. Are you the girl the Magisterium seeks? The one with a symbol reader?" Serafina walks towards Lyra and Samaria, while Emeline and I linger at the back.

Lyra nodded in response and Serafina cracked a smile, "Let me see you read it . . . I want to know if you can tell me . . . Which of the men on this ship was once my lover" she said.

"Wait . . . I have a father that's on this ship!" said Samaria talking in her shock tone. Serafina winked at her daughter, telling her that she does have a father.

Lyra grabbed the compass from her pocket, opened it, and asked a question that lingered in her head. She mumbled a few words that were inaudible. She then snaps out of it quickly, looks at Serafina, looks back at the compass then back at her.

"Fadar Coram? . . " she finally said. Serafina gave a smile. "But-"

"What . . ." said Samaria dropping her arms and her jaw.

"He was young and beautiful once, and we witches live for hundreds of years . . . Fadar Coram wishes to know where the child-cutters take their prey. It is a place they call Bolvangar" Samaria turned to look at me and Emeline. We damn sure knew the answer for ourselves.

"The place of fear, I tell ya!" 

We all snapped our heads to the main door, Rosana and Alexina decided to join us, they walked up to the group slowly.

"A regiment of Tartars with wolf daemons guards it," I said as I had a flashback right when I attempted my first escape plan which failed within 20 seconds.

"Birds do not fly above and animals have fled" Serafina added.

"Huh . . . None of us noticed that actually" said Alexina.

"Even the Samoyeds fear it . . . It is a week's march from Trollesund on the coast of Norroway" said Serafina.

"Been there done that! I can't believe we are going back to the place we all nearly died!" said Rosana as she paced back and forth.

"Lyra, you will find something to help you in Trollesund." she tapped on Lyra's cheek before she leaned back and tried making eye contact with everyone else.

"All of you will need all of your courage, this journey may be your toughest by far. . . I'm glad I've lived long enough to see you girls" said Serafina with a proud smile painted across her face.

"Now . . . I'll have you delivered with me, Samaria, so I can train you and drop you off asap, ready for the war to happen. Emeline and Denise. I have a friend that wants to see you again, so you may have to come with me. Lyra, Rosana, and Alexina . . . Good luck!" she smiled.

<<Alexina's POV>>

Emeline and Denise turned into falcons, while Samaria had to hold onto her mother while they did a lift-off. The girls and I headed back inside and went in search of Fadar Coram . . . Which we found him sitting in a murky coloured couch while reading a book about fighting tips. "Some witch came moments ago, it was . . . I think her name was . . . Serafina Pekkala. Yeah. Samaria had just figured that you were her father and Serafina was the mother. So the witch had taken Emeline and Denise with her to someone or something, I don't know. They didn't make it clear on where they were going." I said with a feeling with unease.

"Wait . . . Samaria was awake? is Ma Costa aware?" said Fadar Coram placing his book down.

"Well, no, because Samaria said that Ma Costa fell asleep" Rosana butted in.

"Seems fair enough because that woman had been working way too hard then her old bones could bare" he replied with a huff.

<<a Few days later>>

We have arrived in Trollesund in a matter of unknown days, once the ship had stopped. Lyra, Rosana and I went down a bridge that helped us onto the docks. We all walked together, watching one and another's backs, in case any gobblers were nearby since we are just weeks away from Bolvangar without Denise and Emeline.

We turned at a familiar corner, where a bunch of crates was stacked up in the middle of the empty place, there were more crates stacked up at the far corner, on top of the bottom crates, a long length of rope just sits there along with a brown mush coloured bag that's probably filled with something heavy.

Lyra sat on the crates and opened her compass, she was aware that anyone could be watching, so she'll just have to keep a low profile. Rosana and I will help keep out on the lookout.

"Who's going to help us! Can you see anything? Lyra you're not listening to me!" I heard pan complained.

"That's some mighty fancy clockwork you got there" a voice boomed behind us, Rosana and I snapped around to see who we were up against. Ooh! How I wish either Emeline or Denise were here, they both would be handy right now.

Lyra shut the compass's lid down and hid the compass in her new compass bag that Ma Costa gave to her just before we went to sleep, last night.

"It's just a toy," said Lyra defending herself.

The man started making his way down by using the crates as stairs. "Uh-huh? Well, then, it's a mighty fancy toy . . . how'd you come by something like that?-"

"Oh, lord! Lee, when you gonna learn to mind your own business?" said his daemon which was a . . . Bunny?

" I do beg pardon . . . Lee Scoresby" said the man taking his hat off and placing it on his right side chest, Lyra fumbled for her beanie, she took it off and placed it on the right side of her chest.

"And this old gall here is Hester," said Lee Scoresby taking his hand out to shake Lyra's.

"I'm Lyra. And this is Pan . . . Pantalaimon" said Lyra.

"Howdy," said Pan.

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