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<<Lyra's POV>>

We started to walk towards the house. As we came closer, turns out, it was a small tent-like cottage.

"I will make sure the way is clear" I looked over my shoulder to see Iorek just about to walk towards me.

"No! Stay here, look after Denise!" I said I walked towards the door. As I got there, I noticed on the side, leather from an animal being stretched out. 

I gasped. 

Someone's daemons have been skinned and put on the line like a flag flapping through the icy wind. Pan was standing on a chunk of snow, ran down, hid behind the barrel, came out looking at the door, he jumped from a ferret and changed into a legit scardy-cat on my shoulders. I tired pushing him off, but he wouldn't budge.

"Lyra! No! Please Don't . . .Somethings wrong" he started breathing heavily, I started feeling light-headed. "Hush Pan  

"There's something terrible . . . I'm- I'm afraid"

I turned him over, making him face the door and held him like a baby.

"We've got to Master Our Fear" I pulled the door open to see a pitch black, but my eyes quickly adjusted to the room's darkness. Once we went inside, I slowly turned around, looking at my surroundings. Next to the door was a coiled rope, hanging on a sharp hook on the wall, in front of us was worse than seeing a wall with a hook and a coiled rope hanging. 

We saw cages. 

Small ones to medium ones. 

Daemon size only. 

I saw a skinned daemon hanging from a hook on the ceiling, next to that was chains. On the other side is most terrifying. Actual dead daemons hanging upside down, a cat, a bird, ferret and a dog. I decided to go on the left side, where pitchforks stood up, knives and needles hanging from the walls. Brown blankets everywhere on the floor.

"Hello?" My voice echoed through the house. In the house, it was just as freezing as the outside.

I started walking around. Pan jumped out of my arms and went looking in the other direction.

"Hello?" I said again.

I kept walking until I heard a huge crash behind me, I grabbed a nearby knife and quickly turned around, pointing the knife at the sound and shuffle. Something was moving under a colourful blanket. Then the blanket came off. Revealing a boy, nearly looking dead. Holding onto a small skinned animal.

"Billy," I said, he snapped his head up, looking at me, I saw bruises and cuts on his face. His Bulging veins the colour of purple.

"Wheres his daemon? He doesn't have a daemon!" Said Pan backing away.

"That's. . ." I backed up, my back pressing against the wall.

"Intercision" My head snapped to the other side of the room, thank god it was Denise and not Mrs Coulter.

Denise bent down and grabbed a red blanket and pulled it back, revealing a dead girl, her face was blue, her lips were blue. I caught a glint of light on her cheeks. I realized that it was just a tear sliding down her face. "Who's that?" I questioned.

"Carmen Amodeo" she replied as she leaned down and kissed the dead girl's forehead. "Don't worry, she's in a better place. She saved us five girls, telling us that they were cutting away kids daemons and the thing that hurts me most to mention is that . . . She was one of my best friend"  

"I'm so very sorry to hear that," I said.

I looked back at Billy, I will be looking like him, nearly dead, but the thing I don't understand is why does he have cuts and bruises on his face?

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