Attack on Titan: Maid for a Day

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"U-Um...Mikasa, Christa, is this really necessary?" Armin whimpers.

"Yes. we are few on customers. The one running this place isn't doing well at keeping the restaurant running. So the boss needs as much help as possible." Mikasa answers plainly.

"Y-Yes, I understand that much, but....why do we need to be wearing maid uniforms exactly...?"

"Because they're cute and they'll help draw attention and get us some more customers!" Beams Christa.

"B-But why me? I-I'm a guy...can't I wear something...not so...girly?"

"Come on Armin, it's just for a day. Deal with it." Mikasa sternly tells Armin.

"O-Ok..." Armin gives in.

Usually Armin never, and I mean, never-- spends the day like this. He is a soldier after all. And so is Mikasa and Christa. But why is he helping run a restaurant of all things with the two girls? And why is he being forced to wear a maid dress when he's a guy? Well....good question.

Mikasa and Historia, along with Armin, begins to start off the day at the restaurant by greeting the customers and receiving their orders. Armin was pretty nervous about this, but decided to do it anyway. This felt so humiliating and embarrassing for the blonde...

Armin starts things off by approaching a table where a lone man who seemed to be around his thirties or forties sat, awaiting a waitress of some kind and he stutters....

"U-Um, may I take your...order?"

The man's eyes nearly jumps out of his skull, he drools, his face heats up and he shouts...

"I'll take one of everything!!"

Armin squeals in horror and darts off and clings to Mikasa.

"Armin? What the..."

"I'm scared, I don't want to do this anymore!" he cries.

"But why...?"

"T-That old man is scary..." Armin points at the man at the table while trembling.

"Armin, sometimes in life, you have to do things you don't want to do."

"B-But he was drooling! It was gross and creepy!"

"What do you except? This is a restaurant. He must be hungry." Mikasa asumes.

"I-I don't think that's the case in this situation. He was blushing...a-and I think he was drooling at me, not because he's hungry for f-food."

Mikasa sighs heavily.

"Fine. I'll take their order. But you must promise me that you will take everyone else's orders, deal?"

"O-Ok...." Armin agrees. But he couldn't help but to still feel nervous and scared. What if....he runs into yet another customer like that creepy old guy? But....was he even really that old? Armin didn't know, but he just knew that he sure was creepy.

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