one: for the first time

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|close as strangers|


I was sitting in my room, as usual, trying to write the next page of my new book but I couldn't find the right words. How was I supposed to let my readers know exactly how beautiful she was, without it being too cheesy? I pushed myself off with my feet, making my chair roll backwards. I turned in circles with my eyes closed as I fought to find the right words. My thinking session was interrupted by a timid knock on my door. I stopped turning circles and faced the door.

"Come in," I said, my voice calm as I tried to suppress the anger I was feeling inside.

A small head emerged from behind the door and an even smaller voice asked me if she could enter my domain.

I sighed loudly to make my annoyance clear to the little girl and then told her to come in. She smiled at me and I rolled my eyes at her childishness.

"Could you do me a favour?" she tried carefully.

Ah, straight to the point. The little rhino needs my help. "Depends."

"You know the gig Michelle and I are going to tonight?"

"Yes. Go on." It may seem rude, but... No, I was just being rude.

"It turns out that below fifteens need a plus 18 to accompany them."

There it is. The little monster wants to drag me along to the gig. "That's unfortunate. Ask mum. Bye," I said, turning my chair back to my computer screen.

"Camille, please," Fleur begged. "I'll... I'll do your chores for a whole month."

I swiftly turned back around. "Now we're talking."

Fleur smiled, knowing her sly little plan had worked.

"All I have to do is drive you there and get you in," I said.

Fleur nodded. "And attend the gig."

"I have to listen to the qualitatively greatly disappointing gig you're going to? The whole thing?"

"Yes. And then you will have to stay behind a bit longer, about an hour, because we have special tickets that allow us to meet her after the gig," Fleur said with a cheesy grin eating away her face. Of course she'd be happy about meeting some slaggy pop-singer. I, on the other hand, not so much.

"Chores for three months. And litter-box duty for one."

Fleur groaned, but she knew she was going to have to accept my offer if she wanted to go tonight. And I know how much she wanted to go tonight; this gig has been the subject of 87% of her conversations for the past seven weeks.

"I pick your clothes and makeup for tonight and we have a deal."

Now it was my turn to groan. I knew that if I didn't accept, her month of litter-box duty would be out of the window. "Deal. What time do you wish for me to be ready?"

"It's two o'clock now. Be ready at five, then we'll have dinner with Michelle and after that, we'll head to the gig."

"What time am I done?"

"The gig starts at eight and finishes at ten, and then you'll have to stay behind another hour or more, so you'll be home around twelve, I guess."

"Fine. Leave, Fleur."

"After I have picked your clothes and make up," she said firmly. She opened my closet and inspected my clothes. She ran her hands over each of my carefully-sorted jumpers, making me shiver.

"I would greatly appreciate it if you could stop touching everything and just picked something."

Fleur rolled her eyes and pulled my favourite jumper off of a clothing hanger. It had a big cat on the front, shooting lasers from his eyes. The material itself felt funny, it was silver-coloured but where the light shone upon it, you could clearly see a little rainbow. "Wear that," she said, carefully placing it on my neatly made bed. A pair of black, high-waisted jeans was placed on top of it. She then walked over to my shoes and decided on a pair of bright pink creepers. "Keep your makeup simple and please, don't wear the black lipstick. Wear your red MAC one instead."

Close As Strangers (Jessie J Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now