seven: mum doesn't mind some girl-on-girl action

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|close as strangers|


Do you remember when you were a child and you wanted to be a princess, or the president, or a rockstar? You firmly believed in those dreams, even though a small part of you knew it wouldn’t happen, you didn’t care, because believing in it seemed to be enough. Nowadays, I’m experiencing the same thing, but instead of wanting to be a princess, or the president, or a rockstar, I want to be with her.


Cara shuffled through the many papers on her desk. “So you have a new source of happiness now?” she asked once she found the paper that held last week’s conversation.


“And what might that source be? Is it a… good source?”

I crossed my arms and leant back into the eyes, carefully eyeing Cara. “What do you mean, a good source?” I asked suspiciously.

“Well, you know, is it destroying you?” she asked. She was hesitant.

“God damn it, it’s fucking killing me, yes. She’s fucking killing me with everything she does but I can’t do anything except let her do all those things to me.”

“She? You made a friend?”

I smirked at her, hoping to finally make her feel the impossible; discomfort. “You know, I think we’re kind of past the friend-stage by now.”

Cara raised her eyebrows and randomly, a smile spread across her narrow face. “What’s her name?”

“Her name is Jessica,” I told her, “aka the best thing that ever happened to me.”

She couldn’t help but keep smiling as she leant forward and lightly punched my shoulder. “Great job, dude! What did your mum say?”

I shrugged. “I haven’t discussed the possibility of a relationship with Jessica with mum yet.”

“Why not?”

“Jessica is back in London for a week.”

Cara’s face fell. “So… you mean… like… she’s in London? And you’re here?”

I nodded.

“How are you even coping?” she asked. She was back to therapist-Cara now.

“I miss her. I miss her a lot. But I know I will see her soon and that makes me happy. That’s what gets me through; the thought of picking her up from the airport.”

“Does Jessica know about your feelings towards her?”

“I will tell her when she gets back from London. She will be here for a whole month, and I figured it would be easier for both of us if we could spend that whole month together rather than only two days.”

Cara clicked her pen and wrote something down.

“What do you think?” I asked her.

“I think…” she finished writing the sentence down and she looked up at me. “I think that Jessica might be good for you.”


I have downloaded Jessie’s complete discography and I constantly find myself singing her songs. I am constantly swinging in and out of every room, and it’s kind of scaring me how content I am. Jessica will be back in two days and yea, being away from her was absolutely mortifying but the day of her arrival was so close now, that I almost forgot about missing her. Almost.

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