four: a cheesy date

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|close as strangers|


I can do this. I can do this. I carefully walked down the stairs with surprising grace, seeing as Fleur obviously picked out high heels to go with the dress. I nervously breathed out through my noise and straightened out my dress, and then walked to the front door in just five steps. I repeated the earlier action and opened the door.

For a second, all I could see was the biggest bouquet of roses I had ever seen. Then, Jessie emerged from behind them with the biggest grin I had ever seen.

"That's so cheesy," I said, but I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

Jessie giggled softly and bit her lip to try to make herself stop producing the noise. "I know," she said. "I like cheesy."

"You make that jumper look amazing," I said.

She giggled awkwardly and shuffled on her heels.

"Do you want to come in and help me put those in a vase?" I proposed to break the sudden awkward tension between us.

She nodded and keenly stepped inside. "Your house is lovely," Jessie said, as her eyes scanned the walls. While she scanned the walls, I took my time to check out her outfit. She was wearing tight, black leggings or jeans with a crème-coloured jumper. She, too, was wearing heels.

"Thank you. Fleur?" I shouted the last bit, hoping she could hear me. Apparently, she had been waiting for that as only seconds later she was present in the kitchen. "Do you know where I can find a vase to put these gorgeous flowers in?"

"Yes, I know where I can find a vase to put those gorgeous flowers in," Fleur mocked. She opened a cabinet and pulled out a vase. "I'll put them in, you two can go do whatever you two were going to do."

"Thanks, Fleur," Jessie told her.

Fleur smiled up and her and shooed us out of the kitchen with a wide grin on her face.

"Let's go then, shall we?" Jessie said, hooking her arm in mine and leading me out the house.

"Where are we going?" I asked. I was curious to find out what she came up with. I mean, it usually said a lot about the person. I've read a lot about dates on the internet; I feel very prepared for this one.

"We are going to learn how to make the perfect pizza at my favourite Italian restaurant," Jessie whooped.

"Really?" I bellowed, already feeling the excitement rush through my veins. I love pizza, shame on you if you don't.


I yelped and she visibly jumped.

"Did you just yelp?"

"How did you know I love pizza?" I asked her. I opened the car door and she walked to her side.

"Well," she started, but paused a second to get in the car and buckle up. "I might have watched a few interviews and a video you did with John Green about making pizza?"

"That pizza was delicious. John Green makes brilliant pizzas," I clarified.

"So I decided to give Jionni a call and ask him if he could maybe teach us," she finished her story. "How's your story coming along? I know you're writing a new book."

"It's going great so far. The characters are coming alive, I'm trying to come up with some good descriptions or maybe a great metaphor, but I haven't really found one so far. But that will happen soon, hopefully."

"I have no idea what you just said, but keep talking," Jessie muttered.

"Erm." I didn't know what to do or say, this was not described in one of the many articles I had read earlier.

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