eleven: sweet talk to me

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|close as strangers|


“Camille, I spoke to your mum the other day,” said Cara worriedly as she shuffled through some papers.


“Because Violet and I are both very worried about you.”

I sighed and crossed my arms. I was getting so tired of people being worried about me. “Then stop worrying, because I am fine. I know what I’m doing, thank you very much.”

“That’s the thing, Violet and I both fear you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing. I mean, going to London for three months and refusing to visit a colleague over there?”

“Miss Cavanaugh, I just don’t feel like I need it. I don’t want to rely on other anymore, I’m strong enough to stand on my own two feet.”

She shook her head and wrote something down on that annoying chart of hers.

“Also, Violet told me about Jessica’s career. I really don’t think-”

“No, no, no, stop right there. You see, that’s the fucking problem. You don’t think.

Cara smacked the chart onto the desk between us, and angrily pushed herself up. “I just don’t understand how you can’t see it. It’s like she brainwashed you or something. Camille, Jessica isn’t good for you. She’ll… She'll take everything you love away from you and once she has that, she’ll take the rest. Those people aren’t what you need in your life, Camille. Don’t you think you’ve had enough shit?”

“I can choose who I want in my life for myself, Cara. I’m capable of that.”

“If you were, you would’ve chucked Jessica out your life the second you realised you liked her.”

“Why? Why am I not allowed to fall in love like everyone else? Why am I not allowed to be fucking happy for once? Why-”

“-It’s not that. It’s just that-”

“Hold the fuck up and let me finish. Why do you even think I fucking care about what some shitty therapist tells me to do? Newsflash: I don’t give a fuck. I just want to be with Jessica. So I will fucking be with Jessica.”

Cara exhaled through her mouth and slowly said down in her desk chair. “Anger management classes wouldn’t be a bad idea either,” she mumbled.

“I’ll see you in three months, Miss Cavanaugh.”

“Do enjoy your time in London, yeah?” said Cara, her voice suddenly sweet as sugar

“Of course.” Confused and without looking back once, I exited the office, probably for the last time ever.


“So, how did the therapy session go?” asked Jessie as we were lying cuddled up on her couch later that night. We were still in New York, but we were staying in her hotel room because it was closer to the airport than my place.

“Oh, you know, the usual,” I said vaguely.

“And the usual is…?” she pressed on.

“I shouted at her because she was trying to stop me from seeing you, then she told me to enjoy my stay in London. It was kind of bipolar.”

“Isn’t everything bipolar with you?” Jess said, smirking slightly.

“Not funny,” I said. She sniggered, obviously thinking it was.

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