three: the moon, the sun, and their eclipse

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|close as strangers|


Sometimes, I like to think of the moon and the sun as lovers. Lovers, doomed to love each other. Always chasing, yet rarely catching. Almost always missing one another. It'ss a sad romance, that's for sure, but when you look further into it you'll discover that even melancholy has its beauty. Because, when you think of the fact that every once in a while they do meet, and kiss, and the whole world stares at them in awe of their eclipse, you realise that maybe love isn't so bad after all.

I want to fall in love like that. I want an eclipse.

I stared thoughtfully at the moon through my bedroom-window with a cup of coffee in my hand. My computer snored softly in the background, a sound that was both annoying and calming at the same time.

Was Jessie looking at the moon to? Was she, too, repeating tonight's events over and over in her mind?

Because it seemed to be the only thing I was capable of at the moment. Thinking, over-thinking, daydreaming and making up scenarios that would never actually occur, not even in a best-case scenario.

Is this what being in love felt like? Confusion, fatigue, and this weird, unnamed feeling I cannot quite describe? If so, love was horribly overrated and I should seriously start doubting writing another romantic novel. My God, what was this girl doing to me? Who gave her this power over me? Did someone get her a voodoo doll of me? Why was she constantly on my mind?

A timid knock stopped me from banging my head against the window.

"You may enter," I said dully.

As expected, it was Fleur's figure standing in my room seconds later. "Hey," she said.

I didn't reply to the mere sound that left her mouth. I wanted her to tell me what was up, and I wanted her to do so immediately. So I remained quiet, and let the little rhino's minuscule brain work it out.

"I came to tell you that Jessie J just followed you on both Instagram and Twitter."

Yes, she is in charge of my social media. "And what part of that information is relevant to me?"

Fleur shrugged. "I'm pretty sure you agreed to see her again, Camille."

"Right, okay. What do we do now? Follow her back?"

Fleurs said she's done that already. You see? That's why she's in charge of the social media.

"Thank you. You can exit my room now."

Fleurs didn't exit my room like I told her to. "You have to meet up with her again," said Fleur firmly.

"And why does the little inexperienced girl think that I have to do so?" I asked.

"I'm more experienced than you, Camille. We both know that."

"That didn't answer my question."

Fleur sighed. "You said that you'll see her again, so you have to meet up with her. Plus, I know you fancy her."

I arose and strutted to my door in three steps. "I do not. Now exit. I want to be left alone."

She reluctantly exited my room, and I felt relief the second I closed the door. Fleur could be very annoying at times, though she usually was a kind girl. But she's my little sister, and apparently little sisters are supposed to be incredibly grumpy 80.3% of the time.

I sat down in my comfortable desk chair and turned around, now facing the computer. I stretched my fingers to warm them up before turning on the computer.

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