eight: every day i miss you more

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a/n: i strongly suggest you listen to the song on the side.

|close as strangers|


I checked my watch again. The plane has landed five minutes ago, and I've been checking my watch every ten seconds since. I know she still has to wait for her suitcase(s) but I was so impatient and at the same time ecstatic about her return, that I just couldn't stop myself from checking my watch.

"You know, you've been checking your watch an awful lot the past minute," said little smart-ass.

"Just making sure the plane has actually landed... Oh my God, can you believe she's here?"

Fleur rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "So nice that your girlfriend's back."

I shoved her with my shoulder and Fleur giggled. "Shut up, tiny. Why did I even bring you with me?"

"To make witty comments."

"Probably yeah..." I checked my watch again.

"And, is it still three-thirty-five?" she noted sarcastically.

"No, it's thirty-six now."

She rolled her eyes. "It's probably going to take another ten minutes. She's gonna have to collect her suitcase, you know."

"Yes, I know. I just wish those damn suitcases would hurry up."

"They're not gonna," she sang annoyingly. "Can I just get a coffee or something?"

"You don't have to get me anything, thanks."                                                 

"Thank you Cam," she said. Fleur happily went off to get her 'drink' and I checked my watch again. Hurry up, Jess.

The doors slid open and unknown people started pouring out.

I heard someone shout my name. I turned around and saw Fleur walking towards me, holding her 'coffee' in her hand and smiling widely. I realised she wasn't looking at me, but at something behind me. Jessica. Before I could turn around, however, a heavy weight leaped onto me.

"I have missed you so, so much," whispered the sexiest voice in the whole wide world in my ear.

"I'm sure I've missed you more."

She unwrapped her legs and I turned in her embrace. I kissed her cheek and snuggled my head into her neck. Jessie smelled like home. I loved it.

She laughed and wrapped her arms even tighter around me. She was so beautiful when she laughed. I had never seen anyone quite as beautiful as her and I was certain I never would, for she was the most beautiful person in my eyes.

I slowly pulled away from her, my eyes staring into her diamond-like eyes, and I couldn't help but fall deeper in love with her. I could look into her eyes forever, and never get bored.

"You've been away too long," I said.

She smiled apologetically. "I know. But I'm here now."

"I'm glad you are," I said.

Jessica smiled happily and threw her arms around me once again, but I couldn't get enough of her. "So am I, baby," she whispered softly in my ear.

A shot of electricity shot through me and I squeezed her waist. This time, she buried her head in my neck.

"I've missed you," she said again.

"I know. I missed you too."

"I know." She inhaled deeply. "Camille, I need you to know that-"

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