Chapter 4 (Daily School Life)

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"Let's get out of here!" Diamond exclaimed, "The Mastermind is dead now! We can leave!" everyone crowded around her, "Are you guys all ready to leave?"

Everyone nodded, including me. We hadn't seen Monokuma since the execution, so it seemed like he was gone for good. The trial had been very... interesting, but it was still over either way. 

"Let's get something to eat before we leave," Loki said, "We don't want to be hungry when we get out there. It'll be a while before we can eat again, we'll probably be taken to the nearest hospital immediately,"

Everyone seemed to agree, "Do we really need to go to the hospital though?" Aster asked, with a joyful laugh, "I'm just happy to be free!" she spun around, her arms spread open.

Everyone laughed and we made our way to the Dining Hall to eat one more meal before we left. Steven was out of the way and so the Mastermind was gone. Soon, we sat down at the table and let Aster and Loki serve us. We all ate, talking happily, before we got up. 

We had our things to bring with us and heading for the Entrance Hall. We stopped only for Aster's cough. She claimed that he was alright however.

We finally made it to the door and looked at it in triumph. "Start looking for the handle to get out!" I said and everyone went to find a button, handle, knob, anything that could open the door.

"I think I found it!" Aster exclaimed, happily. She had found a button and proceeded to press it. There was a loud sound and the door popped out of it's place in the wall. We stood back, watching as it opened for us.

Our smiles dropped and our faces went pale when we saw another door looking thing behind it that said, "Exit". Underneath of that sign, there was a large poster that said: "Rain, rain go away. Come again another day."

We looked around at each other in confusion, until the sprinklers started raining on us. We let out screams and ran out of the room, only to find the sprinklers going on there too. We rushed to the dorms. There too. Then, we rushed for the Art Room. 

Using tarps and statues, we made a fort for us to hide out in. We gathered tarps to dry inside and use if we were to go out to get anything. We stayed hidden in there, huddling to warm up. What in the world had that been? That was question on my mind and almost undoubtedly everyone else's minds as well.

Then... Aster coughed. Then Alec. Then Waverly. Then Sinjin. It was just me, Karan, Loki, Diamond and Aubrianna who weren't. "What's going on?" I exclaimed.

"Everyone!" no. That voice... Should not be talking, "Please report to the gym immediately! I have something very special for you all!" 

"No!" I yelled, "You come to us!" 

"Well now..." with that, the bear strode into our makeshift tent, dry as could be, "If you insist so kindly! I'd love to join the fun!"

We all looked up in horror at Monokuma, "You're not supposed to be here!" Loki exclaimed, "We killed the Mastermind!"

"Did you now?"

That's when we felt it. The horrible despair of finding out that we hadn't really done anything and that we were played for fools. "While Steven was the killer, he was not the Mastermind!" he laughed maniacally, sending chills down our spines. "I've come to give your next motive!" he exclaimed, "That rain, activated it! I put some little... poison in your guy's food this morning. Only some people got sick from it. They'll remember something that will make them want to kill in someway. Or maybe, you should kill them before they kill you!" he laughed and left.

Aster had fallen into Loki's arms, "That's terrible..." she said, "I wont kill anyone!" she huddled up closer to him.

"Neither will I! No matter what we remember, I will not kill anyone!" the others who had been infected said.

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