Chapter 8: (Hard work pays off)

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~Jackson's POV~

I woke up an hour earlier than Zoey this morning. I got up and I took a quick shower. I washed myself clean and I washed my hair. When I got out I did my hygiene routine and went to my closet and I picked out an outfit. It's really hot outside so I'm wearing all white. I picked out a plain white tee shirt with some white skinny jeans and some black and white Nike jordans. I went back to the bathroom and I did my hair and I put on a snap back.

I went downstairs and I got a pen and paper and I wrote her a note. "Hey Zoey, look I know I should have told last night but it slipped my mind. I have a photo shoot to go to today. I'm so sorry I should have told you last night but I didn't want to ruin your time you were having with you and Adam. love jackson. "

I got my keys and I left the house. I got into my car and I started it and I drove away. It's five right now so Zoey will be up in an hour.


Once I got there I got out of my car and I rushed into the building. I walked into the room and I saw my boss walk up to me.

Kaylea - "Hey you made it. Alright go get changed so we can start. " She said rather quickly.

Me - "Alright Kaylea. " I went into my dressing room and my stylist walked up to me and they dressed me. A woman took my shirt off and she measured me. She soon came back with a shirt for me and I put it on. They put my pants and other things on and they dragged me over to a makeup table and they did my makeup.

When they finished I walked on the shoot and they started taking pictures of me. The photographer was shooting a whole bunch of ideas while I was posing.

Photographer - "Alright Jackson, now give me sexy!" I did as told and they started taking about 30 pics of me. "Now give me angry!" I did a few angry poses. "Alright now take your shirt off!"

I took my shirt off and I started flexing my muscles and they took a few close ups of me. "Alright just a few more and were done." They took like 50 more pics of me and we finished.

I walked back to my dressing room and I changed into my clothes I had on when I came here. I walked out of my dressing room and my boss walked up to me.

Kaylea - "Hey Jackson. We have a few meetings and then we will be going on a few shows so you're going to need to clear your schedule if it isn't already. "

Jackson - "Okay. anything else?"

Kaylea - "Yes, we have a meeting tomorrow about when the first fashion show will be. The meeting is at 12:00 p.m. Don't be late. "

Jackson - "Okay. " I walked out of the building and I got into my car and I drove back home. Zoey should be getting ready by now.

~Zoey's POV~

I woke up this morning and I noticed that Jackson wasn't beside me. I wonder where he could be. I went into my bathroom and I did my hygiene routine. After that I straightened my hair and I parted it down the middle. I went to my closet and I picked out an outfit. I put on my plain black tee shirt with some black tights and some nikes. I grabbed my light brown heels and I out them in my bag and I walked downstairs. When I walked into the kitchen I saw that Jackson left a note on the table. I read it and I opened my fridge and I got my vitamin water and left.

When I got into my car I buckled my seatbelt and I drove off to the dance studio. I wonder what the dance is going to be for this week.

~~~~~~ Skipping Car Drive ~~~~~~~~~

When I got there I parked my car in the driveway and I got out. I walked into the studio and I saw Val sitting in a chair waiting for me. He looked up and he smiled.

Val - "Hey Zoey! Ready for rehearsal. "

Me - "I sure am. "

Val - "I must warn you though it isn't gonna be any easier than it was last week just to let you know. "

Me - "Phew.. okay. I think I can handle it. "

Val - "Don't worry Zoey you got this. So let's start. " I went to my bag and I pulled out my heels. "Oh no you won't need those. "

Me - "Oh why not?"

Val - "Because I have some right here that should fit you perfectly. " I put them on.

Me - "So... do you like drive into these suckers?" I asked trying to get used to them.

Val - "Yep. Don't worry ill go easy on you. But not too easy. "

Me - "Woo! I can't break an ankle!" See my sarcasm there? He took my foot and he was showing me how to point my toe when I'm dancing. After that we went to a dancing pole that balay dancers use to stretch. I had to hold on to the pole at first because I couldn't hold my balance without it so Val helped me let go. He gently grabbed my wrist and picked it up. We practiced spinning a few times and I almost twisted my ankle. Good thing I had Val to catch me.

Val - "Step away from the pole. What every good father should say to his daughter. "

Me - "Haha. " I honestly feel like a newborn deer trying to walk or something. After that me and val started dancing together. And he teaches me how to keep my posture up when we were dancing together.

~Val's POV~

When we were dancing it's obvious that Zoey is extremely tall in dance heels.

Me - "Okay, You're gonna have to bend down just a little bit!"

Zoey - "Haha. " I started spinning her around and we were laughing the whole time. I don't think that Zoey has grown into her body yet, she has linky limbs which makes it very challenging for the speed that we need in the jive. She started dancing on her own in front of me showing me what she's learning.

Me - "Stop, stop your completely disconnected from your arms. "

Zoey - "Oh. "



When me and val finished we got our things and we left the studio. When I got home I immediately smelled food. It smelled really good. I walked into the kitchen and I saw Jackson making pancakes, eggs, and sausage.

Me - "Hey Jackson. How was work?"

Jackson - "It was great. Hey listen why don't you take a shower and ill tell you about it when you come back. "

Me - "Okay. " I walked upstairs and I went into our bedroom and I stripped out of my clothing and I took a shower. I washed myself clean and I got out and dried myself. I wrapped the towel around me and I went to my closet and I put on a tank with some grey basketball shorts and some pink socks with some Nike slides. I went downstairs and breakfast was on the table. "So what's going on with work?"

Jackson - "The photo shoot went great. But I'm not gonna be at home that much anymore for a while. "

Me - "Why not?" I asked taking a bite out of my pancake.

Jackson - "We have a lot of meetings and we have some fashion shows coming up the first meeting is tomorrow at noon. It's about when the first fashion show will be. "

Me - "Oh okay. So you're telling me that you won't be able to come to some of my shoes?"

Jackson - "Afraid so. I'm so sorry Zoey. I had no idea this was gonna happen. "

Me - "It's okay. It's not your fault. Don't worry about it. Ill be fine. Hard work will pay off soon. "

Jackson - "Yea, you're right. "

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