Chapter 10: (Week 2 The Jive)

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~Zoey's POV~

Me - "So what do you wanna do first?"

Rachel - "Oh I know what we could do. We can make cookies!"

Me - "Awesome! But what kind of cookies?"

Rachel - "Our favorites of course!"

Me & Rachel - "Smiley face cookies!" We yelled at the same time.

Me - "Okay so before we can even start baking we need to make them first. So we need to start from scratch. Let's get out the things we'll need to make the dough and other things. "

Rachel - "Okay cool. " We got all of the things we were gonna need to make these cookies.

~~~~~~ 2 Hours Later ~~~~~~~~~~

Me - "They're done!" I put on some oven mitts and I too tells pan out. I set it on top of the stove and I put the mitts back. Me and Rachel took a cookie and we bit into it. They tasted amazing!

Rachel - "Man..these are the best cookies ever! I could eat these all day if I wanted to, but I'm not trying to get fat. "

Me - "I know right. Me too I gotta stay slim. " I said taking another bite into my cookie.

Rachel - "Okay we can't eat all of these.. so how about you take half of them home and ill keep the other half sound good?" She asked.

Me - "Yep. " I said popping the p.

~~~~~ Later that night ~~~~~~

Me - "Hey I think I'm gonna head home rachel. "

Rachel - "Okay. Well it was fun shopping with you! talk to you later. "

Me - "Bye. " I said as I closed her door.

I walked up to my car and I put all of my shopping bags in the backseat of my car. I closed the door and I got into the seat and I started my car. I turned my radio on and I backed up out of her driveway and I drove back to my house.

~~~~ 1 Hour Later ~~~~

I parked in my driveway and I got out of my car. I walked up to the door and I opened it. As I was getting closer to my room I was hearing moans. I'm already getting pissed off. I can't believe he would do this to me.

I got to the hallway of my room and I walked up to my door. I saw that it was cracked open a little so I peeked in and I saw that Jackson was fucking another girl.

Me - "Ehm! " I said as I busted the door open.

Jackson - "Zoey! What are you doing here? I thought you were out with Rachel. " He said as he was putting his clothes on.

Me - "I was! But I came back, because I wanted to spend time with you. But I see you already had plans. " I said looking at the girl that was wrapped in the sheets.

??? - "Um.. I gotta go. " She said as she got out of the bed. She ran to the door but I stopped her.

Me - " Where the Hell do you think you're going?!" She stopped and she starred at me not knowing what do.

??? - "..... " She tried to run past me but I pushed her down. I got down and I sat on top of her punching her left and right. She tried to hit back but I was blocking her punches. I was hitting her so hard that her nose starting bleeding and I busted her lip. She finally gave up and I let her go.

Me - "Get the fuck up and get out of my house! " I said as I opened the door. She ran out and I snatched the sheets from her. She just kept running, I don't know what she thought she was doing because she wasn't about to take my sheets

These costs way too much money and she definitely wasn't about to them.

I closed the door and I just looked at jackson. My vision starting getting blurry because I was about to cry. I hate crying in front of Jackson but I don't care right now.

Jackson - "What the Hell was that Zoey?! Why did you hit her?" He said walking up to me.

Me - "Really you're defending her! I'm your girlfriend you're suppose to defend me! "

Jackson - "Yea but you didn't have to hit her Zoey! What has gotten into you lately?" He said his face inches away from mine.

Me - "Really what's gotten into me?! Who the Hell is she anyway and why was she here?!" I said pushing him into the bed.

Jackson - "Her name is... " He said pausing.

Me - "What?!"

Jackson - "Her name is kaylea! Okay?! She's my boss. "

Me - "Are you serious right now! Whatever it doesn't matter. See you later Jackson I'm leaving. " I said as I was packing some clothes in my bag.

Jackson - "What do you mean leaving? You're breaking up with me?" He said standing beside me.

Me - "No Jackson..I'm not breaking up with you. Look I love you but we need some space from each other for a while. Okay?" I said looking into his eyes.

Jackson - "*sigh* Fine. " He said backing up. I walked out of the bedroom and walked downstairs. I stood in front of the door and I gave Jackson a hug.

Me - "Bye Jackson. " I said letting go of him.

Jackson - "Bye. " He closed the door and I got into my car heading back to Rachel's. I have to stay somewhere.

****** Hey guys I have a question for you guys. Since I split them apart for a while how long do you think they should be apart? He are some options.

Option 1- 2 Days

Option 2- 2 Weeks

Option 3- 4 Weeks

Let me know in the comments!!! :)

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