Chapter Nine

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Everyone had a great time on the field. We stayed there for at least four hours. Once we got done everyone was dripping in sweat. I looked at Mads and grabbed her arm.

"Where are y'all going!?" Yelled Calvin.

"Bathroom!" I hollered back.

When we finally made it to the bathroom I grabbed my bag while Mads was all up in my ear.

"What are we doing? Do you need to see? Oh my gosh!!! Are you on your period? Oh okay I see."

"No Mads I'm not on my period." I pulled out water balloons and water guns. "It's time the boys took a bath."

We loaded up and we heard the guys coming to see if we were okay.

"Dude what takes girls so long? And why do they have to go together?" Collin said.

"Man I don't know. Maybe they hold each other's hands while they go tinkle. Hehe" Calvin's impression of females was out cue.

We jumped out and started shooting them with water guns. The guys started to scream. We stopped and all me and Mads could do was laugh. I haven't laughed in so long. It truly scares me how much they've gotten me to be... well happy.

I got knocked out of my thoughts when I got tackled to the ground and all my water balloons exploded on me.
"Awe man you got me all wet!!" I whined.

When I looked up there was Jake. My face was flushed.

"So I made you wet princess?" He did his same little smirk.

Rolling my eyes I got up and said, "No the water balloons. Every other girl will fall at your knees. And have to change their underwear, but as for me mother nature could make me more wet than you ever could."

I walked over to Mads who was currently being attacked by Calvin. I smiled at the two. Then I wiped it away as I went to our hidden stash of water balloons and Jake followed me.

I tried to lose him, but he was right on my tail. I got to the balloons and grabbed as much amo as I could. Then I ran for Mads rescue as Jake was throwing water balloons at me.

I made it to Mads and got Calvin down. Then she helped me with the rest.


Everyone went home. I opened up my front door when I heard something break. I ran into the kitchen and there he was.

Drew was in the kitchen I turned the light on and he stared right in my eyes.  Before I knew it I was running toward him.

It was a full blown out attack. I wouldn't let him go until he was dead. Then I got a knife to the rib. That's when he got the advantage. He might have been damaged, but after the knife to the rib I was down.

I woke up the next morning with blood everywhere. I had what felt like broken ribs, my hand was busted and broken from where I had beaten his face in, and I had blood coming from where my pants once were.

I looked at the time and it was past time for school. Matter of fact school was just getting out.

*Knock! Knock! Knock!*

I tried my best to get up. It took everything in me.

I finally got to the door and when I opened it there was Mads. No one else but her.

She looked terrified. "Jess I got worried why you weren't at school, so I took Jake's car to come see if you were okay. Oh my God! What happened?"

I was lost for words.

"We got to get you to the hospital!" She yanked me to the car. Before either knew it we were at the hospital on a stretcher getting taken to examination.

After I got the cast put on my hand, my ribs wrapped, and stiches where the sun doesn't shine I was giving medicine and sent home.

"Now I want you to take the pain medicine and I'll call your mom to let her know that you need to stay in bed for at least a week and a half."

"I'm sorry ma'am, but my mom won't be home for another two months or more. She's on a business trip."

"Well then I guess I better get someone to watch after you."

"I can watch myself. I'll stay down stairs and call for someone to bring me my school work. I'll have everything I need by me. Trust me I've taken care of myself before."

"Well this time I'm staying with you." I looked behind me and there was Jake.

"I'm fine. I don't need a babysitter."

"Well it looks like you do. We aren't arguing about this. I'm going to take care of you until you get better."

I rolled my eyes and said, "As long as your sister gets to stay also."


He ended up helping me back to the waiting room where the guys were. When they all saw me they jumped up and squeezed me as hard as they could.

"Wow guys, good to see y'all too. Now can you let go?"



"Not in a million years."

"My ribs are broken. Get off." They all let go and started to apologise.

The car was full of questions being thrown at me. All the way to my house.

Looks like this is going to be a long arse week and a half.

Sorry it took me so long to update. Here's chapter 9 be looking for chapter 10 soon.

Remember to smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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