Chapter Three

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The sight was pretty amazing, but not enough to drool over like most the girls do. I walked over to the table they sat at and kept my head held down away from them. 

Collin had black hair, pale skin, with eyes bluer than the sea. He's tall and lean. Plays on both the football and soccer team. 

Calvin blonde shaggy hair, white silk like skin. His eyes were greener than the grass we walk on. Calvin is also on the Soccer and Football team. 

Then there's Jake. Dark brown hair that shines like the stars in the sky. Eyes as brown as a hershey's kiss. His skin perfectly tan. A jawline that could cut through air. 

I shook my head and walked closer to their table. "Hi, my name is Jess what can I get you boys today?" I had a smile on my face dreading it every moment. 

"Yes, My name is Calvin and I would like to have you." He ends his statement with a wink. Rolling my eyes I took a deep breath. 

"Sorry we are all out of that. Now how about something else?" I held my irritation in the back of my throat. 

"Oh come on how could you run out of you?" Collin joined in. "By the looks of it you seem like you give out to everyone. So why not give out to me?"

"I don't give out." Big Momma walks on over before I could say anything else and gives the boys a smile.

"Boys great to have ya'll here. So do y'all want your usuals?" She gave them a full on toothy smile. I just gave her a look and took a deep breath. 

Pulling out my phone I looked at her. "Hey Big Momma I got to go. I'll see you tonight." 

"Okay honey. Have fun at school!" 

Turning around I said, "I'm not going to have fun especially since these dip-tards go to the school." With that note I walk to the back room while Big Momma was left laughing at my statement. Honestly it wasn't that clever.

After changing out of the work clothes I put them in my cubby for work and left out the back room. 

Passing the boys on the way out, they stared at me the entire time. Rolling my eyes I just went out the door. Making my way to my motorcycle I heard the door open behind me. Hoping it wasn't the boys, but of course it just had to be them. Ignoring their presence I hopped on to my motorcycle.

"Yo what do you think you're doing on that motorcycle?" Calvin hollered at me.

"It belongs to me." I turned towards them and all of their mouths were dropped open. All but Jake's. "Take a picture it would last way longer." 

Reaving up my engine I turn towards the boys and saw them with their phones out. Rolling my eyes once again I left the parking lot.

Arriving at the school everyone was already heading to their classes. Taking my keys out of the ignition I headed into the school building for the second time today. Sighing as I head to my locker to get my bag I thought of what soccer was going to be like here. 

Shaking my head out of my thoughts I walked into the classroom. Taking a seat in the very back. For once no one is looking at me today. Thanking god we started with Pre-AP Calculus. I hate math. No I strongly dislike it. 

Working independently I listened to music on my phone. Nf Therapy Session came on. This song is one of my favorites and it hits my heart in a way some songs don't. 

*Tap, tap, tap.*

Turning around I saw that Collin was tapping me on the shoulder. I just turned right back around. I swear these boys just don't know when to stop. I continued working on the book work that our teacher assigned. 

*Tap, tap, tap.*

"Hey, do you think you can help me with this problem? Hello? I know you hear me." 

"What problem?" I asked a little more irritated then I wanted to.

"Oh, umm... Number one." He got quiet for a moment. 

"Sure what part do you need help with?" I looked at his paper and saw more than enough work needed for this work. 

"Umm all of it. I don't understand it seemed so easy, but now I'm just confused." He shied away and looked down at his paper. 

"Well on your paper there is more than enough work done. It's simple Algebra. We haven't even gotten to the Calculus part of this class yet." 

"WHAT?! You got to be kidding me!" He yelled whispered and put his head on the desk. 

"If you still want help I can help you. I'm done with my work anyways." I gave him a small smile and he raised his head up.

"Really? Even after what me and the guys did to you?" 

"Well ya'll didn't do a whole lot to me. You were just being teenaged boys. I grew up with them so don't worry I know how to handle it. Now lets get to work on this, shall we?"

We sat there for the last fifteen minutes helping him and making sure he understood everything he was doing. 

The bell rang and it was now time for my favorite part of the day. English. Getting up and grabbing my back pack I waved Collin a farewell and left to my English class.

Arriving to English was rather fast. It was only a little ways down the hall, past the cafeteria. The teacher was a young man. I debated on going up to him or just going to the back of the classroom. I decided to just go to the back of the classroom. 

People filled the room and the anticipation filled within me. All that went through my head is what will happen at soccer. It scares me to know that I'm getting back onto a team. A team where I don't know anyone. A place where I know nothing of. I just hope that all goes well.

The bell brought me out of my thoughts as the class began. The teacher started to call role. I sat there staring out the window until everyone was quiet. Looking towards the front o the class the teacher was staring down at his desk in shock. 

"Jessica Haen? Is there a Jessica Haen in here?" I raised my hand slowly scared of what could happen, and why he is so shocked.

"I'm right here, sir. I just got here today." I said as I turned back to the window. 

"Well Jess it's great to see you again and to have you as one of my students again. Except you were a Freshman and then a Sophomore when I taught you."

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