Chapter 3

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Yep another late post as usual as you may know by now my timing is not great :) and Yes I'm sorry deeply sorry I made yall wait and I shouldn't have ik forgive me? :) pretty pretty pwease

Venessa's POV

Me and driving are two things that should not go together, wait no scratch that, me and the stupid drivers on the road who think it's ok for them to cut me off don't go together.

I was this close to high speed chasing this man so close but seeing that I already arrived to the school's compound another kind of rage was on my mind.

Driving into the parking lot entrance with a big plaque on the stone wall with the school's  name on it  "Worthington Highschool" why don't they just rename it "Satan's Fiery Dungeon" that's more accurate.

It's not that I hate school it's more like the people in it I despise. Most are prancing around with the hottest guy or flaunting themselves to the yeah you can say I like trying to be invisible and I   would really appreciate it if it stayed that way.

I grabbed my books from the backseat and headed to the front enteance I took a deep breath before heading inside hoping like every other day it goes along normally with no one knowing who I am.

Immediately I scurry along to my locker. Why? Because it's not like I have any friends to chit chat with so my books keep me company.

My first period is a double of AP English Literature. Honestly two periods of reading wasn't that bad, I read on the daily so it wasn't anything new but history was agonizing to bear it ruined my morning for sure ,why stick with the past when we could discover the future. Anyways there is only one subject I look forward to everyday and thatis my Art class, it's the only time I can express myself on a canvas and it makes me feel alive ,unfortunately it's the last period of the day and is the only thing that can rejuvenate my soul after a long days worth.

After a boring lunch of gross cafeteria food I had AP Chemistry so I headed to the lab and took my seat, Aiden sits right next to me and we greet each other.


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Aiden is one of the smartest boys in the school and luckily he's been my lab partner for two years and I could say he's like a friend but he's usually quiet and shy all the time so we hardly talk unless its school related. We've been competing against each other academically over the years and he is impressive and hard to beat I'll give him that but I don't go down easy either soo I hope I've been giving him a hard time also.

Small glances here and there and only speaking when its our turn to use the microscope it was nothing special between us other that the 'who's smarter' rival.

Yup another uninteresting period.

Walking to my finally awaited Art class I usually ignore everyone else and head my way but the hall was silent and it seemed like the devils army were trotting together to their classes.

Avery, the head cheerleader and her disciples walking down the corridor with their little love sick football players following behind.

Pathetic really, I can't believe those barbie impersonators intimidate people it's not like they could physically do something, like what scratch me with a nail and cry because it broke pfft I don't see the reason why they are 'popular' they just make this school more cliche than it already is and it's just too predictable. I may try to be invisible but I will not submit or do something as dumb like bow down to them and unlike the queen of bimbos who's probably failing her easiest subject there're more important things to me than being 'popular'.

So while people make a path for the stooges to pass I headed to the art room trying to pin point ideas in my head. Suddenly a quick draw didn't sound so bad so I took out my pencil and sketched a face not knowing whose yet but I kept drawing letting the pencil guide me.

After about 10 minutes I remembered him the one I drew, why would my mind lead me here it's been years since I last saw him or should I say since he left me when I needed him the most and now this drawing is just a reminder of how lonely he made me feel but then I remembered those dimples I drew and the past flashes back to me, the way his brown hair blew in the wind, when he would get all sad when I beat him in a wrestling match or when we would go to the lake house and skip rocks to see whose went the furthest. I found my fingers skimming along the lines I drew going deeper in my thoughts thinking about the days we had as kids and I smiled.

*RING RING* the sound of the bell awakening me from my daydream.

I quickly stuck the drawing in my sketchpad hoping to not remember or think about it again. I grabbed my bag and headed to my car to go home and get changed for the meeting.

On the ride home I do anything but forget.

How could I let myself remember or think about him when I vowed not to. He left me, how could I ever forgive him for that right?

No I need to stop thinking about it dammit I need to stop.

Damn you Luca!

Hope yall liked the chapter soo I'm a heavymetal fan if anyone has some suggestions for bands you think I should listen to feel free to comment them and I will read them.

Well don't forget to




See ya later chicken fingers

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