Chapter 9

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Literally, lights as in there are blinding lights in my eyes, cameras in my face and well action because it's time to fake it like nobody's business.

Well, I guess it is now everybody's business.

It may be a short walk to the doors, but it's still a walk through hell.

I pushed through the swarm with confidence to ignore their questions yet giving them what they want, pictures, It's all math, calculate the angle at which I must walk, turn and smile. They need pictures and I will provide them with what I want them to take. All of this so it can't backfire later.

Once they got their shots they back away as I approach the building. It's the paparazzi's unspoken rule they may take their pictures outside but they will never dare enter the building, another money-driven rule Papa enforced.

I enter and take a glance around the modernly decorated lobby surrounded with glass windows so the outside world may glance at its beauty. Today seems busier than usual, people of all financial classes gather at the lounge and front desk doing as I'm doing, admiring. Another reason this company thrives, it doesn't turn away people of wealth nor poverty, we help all those who we can. Another treasured lesson we kept from my mother.

I walk to the front desk with class and a poised attitude to cater for the overwhelming eyes on me.

"Excuse me, Mr. Cruz's office, please?" I politely said to the receptionist named Jerry. He seemed new. I take it that old Miss Gale finally retired, nice old lady, I'll be sure to send her flowers later.

"One moment, please?", Jerry on the other hand here seemed to have put me on hold. The poor man looks worn out answering phone calls after phone calls, rushing to write down notes and typing profusely.

I let out a little hum to remind him that I'm still there.

"Oh I'm sorry (cough)Maam," with that sorry he looks up and the look on that poor bastard's face was priceless. Took a short while till he regained his speech abilities," Oh I'm terribly sorry Miss Cruz, I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting, I will inform Mr Cruz of your arrival immediately." He shuffled around his desk probably mentally face palming himself and called in Dad's office.

"Go on right ahead Miss Cruz, pardon me for my lack of acknowledgement Miss," he said sincerely.

"No worries, Jerry," I cut the chap some slack, he probably hated his job, who wouldn't it was only Gale who truly loved that job. I chuckle to myself thinking of how the woman had a genuine smile indented on her face every day and walked to the elevator.

As soon as those elevator doors open on the top floor the place goes silent only the soft clicks of my heels were heard. As I continued walking I could sense the stares and mostly the fear of these workers. I like that fear that motivates them to give their best. What I like the most about them though is that they treat me as an equal to my father because they know that soon it will be me hustling their asses and I will show them respect for they already showed me loyalty.

As I strut down the path to Papa's office I could see the silhouettes of three men and not one through the frosted glass. I could only wonder what lies ahead the closer I reach to door. With one push of a handle and a side of fuck it, I opened the door and walked in.

Oh, fuck me...

What stood in front of me was enough for me to jump through those spotless windows.

My father bro hugging Luca fucking Rodrigues and his father Sebastian patting his son's back. If I had no relation to these people I would have assumed a poorly scripted porno was about to take place. I take that back... the image of my father having a threesome... nope.

It took at least a full minute of silence before someone spoke out.

"Mija, you came at just the right time." My father approached me with a genuine smile written on his face and gave me a short hug while I threw daggers at the boy who seemed to just pop in like nothing into everyone's lives.

My father took a seat along with Luca and Sebastian. Nobody cared to explain why this I would say 'stranger' is here soo I voiced my confusion in hopes of answers.

"Am I missing something here? Or do I just ignore the fact that you guys are so calm about Luca over here is just reappearing out of the blue after 7 no almost 8 fucking years?" Saying I was pissed was a big understatement. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that just the other day he joined school and single handily ruined my life and now here he is.

Sebastian placed a hand on my shoulder ensuring that I took a seat before he spoke, "I knew of Luca's return only two hours before he showed up at home, it was surely a surprise my son gifted me but Kiddo we didn't tell you because we needed his return on the low but since he fucked that up when he flaunted his ass at your school that sent rumours of his return to the rival gangs watching us. Good thing no one knows how he looks or this puta would have messed the whole plan up."

Luca stood up from his seat and waved a hand at his father, "Now now papa there's no need to talk shit, I caused a scene on purpose. We need them to know I am here and not in Spain. Let them think the fort there is defenceless. I left Manuel to pluck them off one by one."

That stupid bastard had a point I'll give him that but something doesn't add up it could only mean the rivals are following someone.

I chuckled as I finally pieced it all together while pouring myself a well-deserved drink.

"So the Italians finally want to enter the match now Huh", I said as I laid back on the couch and took a sip of my drink. 

The Italian mafia has been very quiet after making it clear they want top rank two years ago with the countless bodies shipped to us in a cargo container with one simple note marked with a stamp of a crown and the initials 'K' bold on the back.

Father soon jumps into the conversation, "It seems likely they want to attack... yes." he folds his arms and leans back unravelled by the idea.

"They really don't know what they're dealing with, do they ?" I let out a little laugh while I think about the damage we can do to a group so pathetic.

"We recently got intel that the Russians are doing business with the Italians and that Yakov Ivanov has met with their messengers right here in New York  and he won't be leaving until Friday so we need to infiltrate him and bring him back for questioning without suspicion but there is a catch Mija..."

"Yes I've done my research on the slimy bastard, he only fucks the ones with rings," I knew all too well of this habits with married women not to mention his dealings with prostitutes I'd love to be the one to put a bullet between his eyes.

"Si Mija that is why you cannot do this alone so Luca will be joining you." Did I hear that right was I tripping? Was he tripping?

"Him?" I point to the man who is holding his hand up in defence. "Yes, Luca will be joining you he is just as experienced as you and it will be easier to fool by posing as a newly married couple." I stood there dumbfounded at what I am hearing but the mission is more important than my feud it's best I suck it up and focus on the true target and not the one standing next to me.

"I'm sure this will be a great opportunity to catch up with each other Tio," Luca said with a confident smile wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

Bold cocky bastard, I hit his hand hard, right in the weak spot and heard him grunt to my satisfaction with the thought of his suffering in my mind I smiled to everyone and prepared to leave.

As I leave I hear my father whisper to Sebastian words that make me smile even more," She will eat him up alive."

Oh yes father, no doubt about it, I will surely have my fun with Luca Fucking Rodrigues.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to ...




See ya later chicken fingers <3

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