TWO | donut thief

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I'm sayin
yeah im the top of the top of the top
poppin'em, rockin'em, stoppin'em, blockin'em

The loud blare of his alarm still rang in Taehyung's ears as he turned it off, his phone blinking 06:55. It was his absolute favourite song - not just because his hyungs produced it but because it was just pure brilliance.

Rubbing his eyes, Taehyung made his way to the bathroom for a quick shower as well as to brush his teeth. Breakfast was simple enough.

You see, Taehyung knew well enough that it would take him well over forty minutes to just get ready, much less eat. A box of donuts already waited for him on the kitchen counter, thanks to his preparation the night before.

Grabbing one hastily, he slung his bag onto his shoulder before bustling out of his apartment. Placing one side of the donut into his mouth, Taehyung closed the door and started to search his pockets for his keys.

His fingers touched cool metal and a grin broke out across his face. Pulling out the key-chain that dangled with around five to six different keys, he slotted it into the keyhole, effectively locking the door to his apartment.

With a happy sigh, he turned.
And bumped into the very person he had decided to avoid from today onward.
"Hey there, pretty boy."

Taehyung's eyes widened comically and the keys slipped from between his fingers, falling to the floor.
He knew that avoiding Jeon Jungkook meant no more detentions, no more staring - sorry, appreciating beauty.

Yet here the boy was, right in front of his very eyes at 7:50 in the morning, attired in a yellow-sleeved white shirt tucked into his ripped jeans and to top his outfit off, a pair of black Timberlands.

Slowly, Jungkook leaned closer. Taehyung was frozen like a deer caught in the headlights, unable to respond.

Jungkook was so close that Taehyung could smell his cologne. As subtly as he could, he breathed it in deeply. A low chuckle sounded from the other's mouth.

Deliberately, the younger bit into an end of the donut, eyes locked with Taehyung. Their lips were in such close proximity that if either of them had tilted their heads, they would have met.

The action seemed sensual, intimate. But it was enough of a shock to trigger a response from Taehyung. Cheeks puffed up with the donut, he tripped over his own feet, falling back against his door with a thud.

He groaned, pushing himself upright as he flushed with embarrassment. Swallowing, he mustered up the biggest glare he could manage.

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