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I never saw Y/n cry.

Her parents would abuse her but she never cried when she got hit.

I saw the first time she got hit by her mom. She slapped Y/n in the face on her cheek.

She started to yell at her and I just stood there watching the whole thing.

She didn't cry. She didn't do nothing. She also just stood there but then I noticed something...

Was she smirking?


Finn was ignoring everyone and he didn't even realize himself. He was too busy thinking about what happened in the hallway yesterday.

The school day ended and it was finally the weekend. Finn decided to visit you.

He arrived and remembered the apartment. He stopped coming when freshman came because school always kept him too busy.

His brown eyes looked at the door as he knocked on it. Then Natalia opened the door. Her eyes widen at the sight of Finn.


He smiled and nodded. Then she hugged him. He hugged her back and then she told him to come in.

The apartment was the same as he remembered.

"Are you here to see Y/n?" She asked.

"Yeah I needed to talk to her about something."

Finn seemed to notice Natalia's reaction. She seemed scared.

"Wh-What are you gonna talk about with her?"

Her brown eyes quaked with fear as she stared intensely at Finn. He was gonna answer but Y/n came down with a twizzler in between her teeth

"Natalia, I'm heading outside for a bit." She said as she finished the twizzler.

Finn stood up from the couch and Natalia also did too. Then you noticed them.

"Oh. Hey Finn." You smiled

"I-I need to talk to you. Alone."

Natalia then got in between them holding her hand out like catching a criminal.

"Woah, woah, woah. What do you mean alone?"

You laughed as you shook your head.

"Finn wouldn't do that, Natalia. He is a nice kid. Trust him."

She nodded and went into the kitchen.

"Wanna go to my room?"

He nodded as you smiled at him. He didn't know why but that smile didnt look the same after the incident.

Your smile seemed fake to him.

Finn followed behind and you got into your room. You sat on the bed as you patted the spot next to you.

He hesitated but still sat next to you.

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