pill 20.

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The sound of chattering people filled the room. You begin to walk to your first class as people said hi and welcomed you back.

"Hi, Y/n! How was your spring break?" A girl asks and waved at you.

"It was great. Thanks for asking. Hope yours was good!" You smile and keep walking.

Eventually you stop at your locker to see...her.


She is leaning against your locker and smirks at you.

"Hey, Y/n. Long time no see."

"Yeah..and i'd like to keep it that way." You say and gently push her out of the way before opening your locker.

"Did you take your..happy pills?" She whispers into your ear sending chills run down your spine. You turn to her and see how close she is to you. You step back a bit before looking her into the eyes.

"Fuck off." You mutter.

"Oh so she does talk shit. Not so innocent and kind now, are you?" She laughs and looks down at you.

"I bet you did some of the most boring ass shit ever during your spring break...going to the pharmacy to get pills, sitting at home with your little annoying friends...feeling useless..." She trails off.

Flashbacks from your break begin to make you chuckle. You look at her.

"Why are you so interested in me? If you want to ask me out, just do so. It's not that hard." You wink.

"I'm not gay!" She shouts and slams her hand next to the lockers next to you. You flinch a bit but play it off well.

"Of course...but why are you so obsessed with me?"

"Because sluts like you deserve to be taught a lesson..always acting innocent and shit when you're a fake bitch. I'll prove to everyone you're not what they think you are." Madeline threatens.

"Uhhh...ok." You reply before shrugging and closing your locker then walking off.

You see your friends and greet them.

"So what did you do during spring break besides hang with us?" Sadie asks and smiles st you.

You and Finn glance at each other before shrugging. "Just hung around.."

Noah smirks before shaking his head.

"Or...y'all did the nasty." Noah chuckles and points at you and a Finn.

Your face turns red and Finn awkwardly laughs. "No we didn't-" You both say and shake your heads.

"Mhm..sure.." Millie winks before walking off.

The day was boring. You sit at your desk listening to your teacher and then see someone familiar. You ignore it and wait for the bell to ring.

You walk to your next class with Finn, Jack, and Sophia. You and Finn stop in your tracks and looks at the tall man.

"Hello, students." He smiles.

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