pill 11.

385 12 2

[ not edited. ]

"I bet you were asking for it."

"Fuck off."

"Let me fuck you instead, babygirl-"
"What the fuck?! You bitch!"

"i told you to fuck off."


It was getting worse through the days. You didnt even take your pill before you went to the grocery store. So you sat there in a police station with a shaky leg and trembling fingers. You were sitting infront of a desk with an officer staring at you.

> two hours ago.. <

Blood stained your shirt and knuckles. The man that you attacked was coughing up blood as his wife sat on the floor with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Finn held you back as you glared at the both of them feeling the adrenaline rush through you. People starer at you shocked. Then a police officer came in and grabbed you.

"Hey! Let go!" You shouted. Your friends tried to grab you but the cops would push them back. Your pills fell from your jacket to the floor without you knowing and another officer picked it up as you were pushed against a cold wall and put into handcuffs.

"Lets go." The officer said and dragged you out the store. Your friends followed as they shouted out for you. You squrimed and was soon thrown into the back of a car. Finn was shoutimg at the officers who ignored him.

Millie then went to the window where you were and tapped on the window.

"We'll call Nat and follow you! We'll be right behind you!" Millie says as you nod.

You didnt want to panic infront of her but your leg was shaking extremely badly. You had just realized that you didnt take your pill before you went to the store which was about two hours ago.

> present time.. <

"Youre too young to be attacking people like that." He says and leans towards you.

"Youre too young to be taking pills. You kids ans your god damn drugs." He continues before placing the bottle of your pills on the desk. Your cold gaze went from the bottle to him.

"Can't you read? Those are prescription pills. Im suppose to take them. I need them." You explained and tried to reach for it until
you realize that you were in handcuffs. You had forgotten and glared at him.

"We'll see about that." He sighs and leans back in his chair as he places his feet on his desk.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Where's my sister? You said you called her. It's been an hour and i'm suppose to take those every hour."

"You can wait another hour." He chuckles and grabs another pair of handcuffs before twirling it around his finger.

"You don't understand! I haven't taken my pills in three hours! Please!" You begged as tears begin to swell up in your eyes.

"Man up." He scoffs before he takes the pills and tosses it into his drawer.

Three hours...

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