pill 14.

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"One day i might end up doing something so fucked up, i might go to prison for it."

"Don't jinx it."

"I think i already did-"


There were no words. All of you sat at the table trying to find something to say. Joe was at the kitchen counter with a beer bottle in his hand but he barely drank any of it. It was just there in his hand. Nat was shaking and tapping her fingers against the table as she chewed her other nails. Charlie was also sitting at the table tapping his foot as he had his hands in front of him.

You on the other hand, were also sitting at the table but looking at the bat and hoodie that was on the table. So many questions were going through your mind and memories.

Eventually, Nat breaks the silence.

"Why?" She whispers but it was loud enough for everyone to hear. You look up at Nat who is staring at you.

"Why mom and dad?" She asks and you could feel chills running down your spine when you see her staring at you.


"Why?!" She shouts and bangs her hands on the table making you flinch.

"Hey, babe, calm down.." Joe says.

"Tell me! What was your fucking motive?!" Nat screams ignoring Joe.

You had no clue why but she was starting to anger you. Without thinking, you get up and slam your hands on the table.

"Because they treated us like fucking shit, Nat! Years and years of being abused! Years of getting kicked, punched, called names, pushed around and at one point I was even fucking raped! RAPED! STOP ACTING LIKE THEY CARED ABOUT YOU! THEY DIDNT! THEY FUCKING DESERVED IT!" You screamed before storming off into your room. You slammed the door so hard that it started to shake the paintings on the wall.

It went quiet and Nat stands there feeling a lump in her throat. After a few minutes of silence, she finally says something.

"I...I think Im going to sleep." She says.

"But we need to figure something out before the body starts to smell." Joe says and looks at her.

"Fuck...you're right." Nat sighs and sits back down.

"No, go to sleep. I'll handle it." Charlie says.

"No, Char...it's fine. Dealing with Y/n is already enough for you." Nat says.

"It is a lot to handle but she's important to me. If i'm being honest, she's the only reason i'm still alive." Charlie comments before getting up and heading to your room. He softly knocks and you can already tell it's Charlie. You unlock the door and let him in.

"I'm sorry." You sigh and hug him. He hugs you back and shakes his head.

"It's okay, Y/n. I'm sure Nat will soon understand." He says and closes the door.

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