pill 12.

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"I heard she drinks and smokes."

"Really? That's fucking pathetic."

"Eh, at least i'm not a basic bitch like you."


You got home feeling extremely tired. Both physically and mentally. You had a therapy session tomorrow but you didn't want to go because you knew they would just hand you more pills to take.

You went to your room ignoring everyone. The room you had was like your own world. Something about it just felt like home. Maybe it was the LED lights that hung from your ceiling making your room glow with purple. Or the posters that covered your walls with your favorite bands and tv shows. Or it could be your bed. Your bed was your most prized possession. You laid in it and could smell Finn's scent. Then you remembered you were wearing his hoodie. He had given it to you before you left the station and gave you a hug before leaving.

It was like one of those cheesy ass middle school relationships but you didn't care, it gave you butterflies and made you smile like an idiot. You put the hood over your head and hugged yourself tightly before curling yourself up in a ball.

You felt bad. You felt bad because you had dragged your friends into your mess. Tears begin to to slowly form in your eyes as you squeezed them shut.

You were so tired. So tired of everything and everyone. More tears begin to come out. Before you knew it, you were sobbing and trying not to scream. You bit your lip harshly trying so hard not to scream.

You quickly grab your pillow and buried your face into it before letting out a painful scream and sobs. Tears soaked into the pillow and then the door opened. At this point, you didn't care who it was and if you looked pathetic. You then started to throw a tantrum by punching the pillow over and over. Eventually, you started scratching at yourself creating a few cuts on your face.

The person that walked in quickly ran to you and pulled your hands away from your face. Blood slowly started to drip down your face from the scratches and you looked to see Charlie. He had this look on his face. It was sadness. You could tell he hated seeing you like this.

He pulls you into a hug and you end up sobbing again into his chest. He rubs your back to try to calm and comfort you. He pulled you closer and put his hand on your head and gave you a kiss on your head whispering "it's going to be okay".

After about a good thirty minutes of hugging and crying, you eventually pulled away and wiped your face but flinched when you touched the scratches. Charlie goes to get some
bandages and rubbing alcohol. He cleans your scratches trying not to hurt you but you couldn't help but flinch at the stinging pain when he placed the cotton, which was soaked in rubbing alcohol, on your face. Once he was done, you could feel three or four bandaids on your face then he looks down at your hoodie.

"Is that new?" He asks.

"Oh...no, it's actually Finn's." You smile and look down at the hoodie.

"That's cheesy as fuck, dude." He laughs and nudges you.

"Shut up." You chuckle and soon both of you are staring out your window watching the city lights flicker.

"Charlie..can you do something for me?" You ask and turn to him. He looks down at you and raises his eyebrows.


"Can you...get me some drinks?" You ask and rub your neck in a shy manner.

"Y/n, i would but i can't. I'm not going to risk you going somewhere again but...i can get you some weed." Charlie says and pulls out some
cash from his pocket.

"Really? That would be great...i want to escape from here for just a few hours at least." You mumble.

"Then i'll get you some gummies so Nat won't know it's actually weed." Charlie chuckles.

You nod and hug him, thanking him.

"Anything for you, Y/n. You're like my little sister." Charlie says and ruffles your hair.

Charlie leaves and you check that it's almost twelve. Charlie comes back and hands you a bag of gummies.

"Thanks, don't know what i would do without you." You say and open it.

"Just take it easy and don't go anywhere. Got it? I can't have you doing something stupid."

"Yessir." You say and give him a salute.


"I promise, Charlie. Don't worry." You smile.

He hugs you one more time before leaving to go home. Nat was already asleep and Joe was staying over as well but was asleep since he was drinking.

You took one gummy and it started to slowly hit. It didn't feel like enough so you took another...and another...and another...and another. You were tripping out so hard that your room started to move. You were just staring at your ceiling while hanging off at the edge of your bed. It was probably two in the morning by now and you craved more.

You had no clue what you were doing but you made your way to the kitchen and opened the fridge trying to be quiet. There was food but you weren't hungry. You checked the cupboards trying not to make too much noise.

Then you accidentally found Joe and Nat's secret stash of alcohol. You went to grab it but stopped yourself. You looked at it for a good few minutes.

"Fuck it." You mutter before taking the two bottles of vodka and a bag of chips before going back to your room.

You drank and drank. The taste made you gag a few times but you couldn't stop drinking. It burned your throat but you kept going. Eventually you didn't feel a thing anymore. You didn't even realize that you were leaving the house and had taken Natalia's car keys.

You didn't know what was going on or what was happening but you were driving pass people and lights shined at you. You were swerving and concentrating hard. Then you looked to see where you were parked and you saw it.

You were at your parents house.

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