pill 16.

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[not edited]

"I'm moving.."

"oh okay. cool"

"Cool? Do you even care?"

"No..why should i, a person with a mental illness, care about some selfish prick like you?"

"I said i was sorry.."

"Yeah, whatever."


Everyone is looking at the suitcase in disbelief. There is money inside and a few stained in blood. Joe had a stack in his hand as he counted the money.

"And you found this under their bed?" Natalia asks. Everyone looks at you and you nod.

Joe then looks at the suitcase and sees a logo on the handle. He lets out a sigh.

"This is Play Bunny's money."

"Playboy?" Charlie asks and looks at Joe confused.

"No, idiot, Play Bunny. It's that strip club that is runned by that gang, The Blacklight Culprits." Joe explains.

"The Blacklight Culprits? What kind of name is that?" You ask and giggle a little but Nat swats your arm with a spatula she was holding. You wince and roll your eyes.


"Focus. Anyways, how do you know this?" Nat asks and crosses her arms.

"I spend a lot of time on the streets when i'm not here. I know my way around this city and what goes on. The Blacklight Culprits sort of know me but i'm not involved." Joe says and puts the stack he had, down.

"There's at least a thousand in that stack." He continues.

"Holy shit, a thousand?! Nat can't even get a hundred from her job!" You say and she swats you again. "Ow!" You groan.

"Shut it." She sighs.

"Why do your parents have their money?" Charlie asks and looks at Nat.

"I'm not sure. They never really talked to me but when they did call, it was always about needing money." Nat sighs.

"What if they're part of that gang?" You ask.

"Why would they be a part of them?"

"I don't know. To get money?" You shrug.

Everyone is wondering what to do and eventually you all jump at the sound of knocking at your door. You all freeze and look at each other.

Nat goes to the door and sighs of relief.

"It's just Finn." Nat says.

Then you all relax before realizing that he didn't know what was going on. You all quickly try to hide the suitcase and eventually hide it in the kitchen under the sink.

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