Chapter Eight

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This is different from the norm. In all of the stories that I've read or that I've seen, all of the characters are disgustingly perfect unless they are written with very clear flaws. This story is about love (um, duh! Look who's writing it. I'm the queen of romance), and finding it in the least likely place with the least likely person.

Now, this story is based in a hospital. My medical training comes from...WebMD. I'm not a doctor, nor do I claim to be. I'm a music teacher who has a wild imagination and a penchant for all things Twilight (and with this story, added in a mix of ER! I loved Luca Kovac...) Which brings me to my disclaimer: None of this is mine. I'm not, nor ever will be, Stephenie Meyer. If was, I'd be rolling in the dough from her insane imagination that gave us Bella and Edward. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter Eight


I hated leaving Bella after our date. But, if I had stayed, I just know that things would have gotten heated and we would have had sex. First off, I don't want to revert back to my manwhorish ways. I had been with more women than I care to admit. That all changed when I met Tanya. I wanted to stay that way for Bella. Secondly, I want to make love to her. I want to LOVE her. While, I may be feeling some pretty strong emotions toward Bella, it's not love. Not yet. Though, I could definitely find myself falling deeply in love with her.

So, I drove away from her apartment and back to my house. I parked my baby into the garage and headed into my very lonely and cold brownstone. Why couldn't Bella move in with me? Yeah, we just met, asswipe. What woman would move in with a man that she hardly knew? Not many. I hung up my coat and grabbed a bottle of beer from my fridge. As I was sipping my Stella, my cell phone rang. It was Rosalie.

"Yes, Baby Sister?" I snickered into the phone.

"You're picking up. That means either your date sucked ass, you respected her and left her at the door or you're in a post coital glow in the bathroom," she giggled.

"Rosie, you are the devil," I snapped. "My date was perfect and so was the girl. I left her at the door after I kissed her senseless. Though, I wish I had stayed. I like my house but it's so empty and lonely. Bella makes it homey."

"You've got it bad, Eddie," Rose laughed. "Tell me about her. I haven't heard much about Bella since I've been an emotional wreck."

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" I quipped.

"Can't sleep. Besides, I'm living through you and Jazzy. Did you hear? He's in love with some sprite-like girl named Alice," Rose squealed. "Come on, Eddie. Please?"

"I can't stay on the phone for too long, Rosie. I've got to work," I chided.

"That's why God invented coffee, Edward," Rose snickered.

"You suck, Rose," I laughed. Then, I spent the next hour talking to her about the wonders of Bella. I could tell that Rose was happy for me and she seemed excited to meet Bella. I wanted them to meet as well. Both of them were dealing with some very real self-esteem issues and perhaps they could work through them together. However, Rose needed to eat a lot more and Bella may think that I wanted her to eat less. That's definitely not the case. I loved Bella's curves, how they molded to my body when we embraced and kissed. I couldn't wait to feel her breasts in my hands and her luscious skin against my fingers.

Fuck, I'm rock hard.

"Rose, I really have to go. I'm working a later shift but I need to shower and..."

"And jerk off," she giggled. "I get it. Look, next week, I'm going to see a therapist at the hospital. Mom's going to drive me. Perhaps when I'm done, we can get something to eat? Maybe I can meet your Bella?"

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