Chapter Eleven

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This is different from the norm. In all of the stories that I've read or that I've seen, all of the characters are disgustingly perfect unless they are written with very clear flaws. This story is about love (um, duh! Look who's writing it. I'm the queen of romance), and finding it in the least likely place with the least likely person.

Now, this story is based in a hospital. My medical training comes from...WebMD. I'm not a doctor, nor do I claim to be. I'm a music teacher who has a wild imagination and a penchant for all things Twilight (and with this story, added in a mix of ER! I loved Luca Kovac...) Which brings me to my disclaimer: None of this is mine. I'm not, nor ever will be, Stephenie Meyer. If was, I'd be rolling in the dough from her insane imagination that gave us Bella and Edward. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter Eleven


I totally felt like 'CinderBella' as Edward had called me earlier. The ball had been a dream come true. We spent the night eating, drinking, dancing in each other's arms, kissing and just being a couple in love. However, I knew something was up with Edward after he came back from the bathroom. His green eyes weren't as bright as they had been earlier. I asked him about it, but Edward promised he'd tell me tomorrow.

He was so hiding something.

Something that obviously had to do with me.

However, I let it go. I didn't want to have my night ruined because of something that happened to Edward in the bathroom, especially if it was pertaining to me. I'll just ask Edward about it tomorrow.

After they had announced the winners of the silent auction, Edward seemed anxious to leave. His eyes had a predatory gleam to it and he looked like he was ready to pounce. Honestly, so was I. He looked so fucking sexy in his tuxedo and his haircut. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair and remove the tux with my teeth.

Once Edward had made his declaration that he wanted to go, we said good bye to our friends and Edward's family. I made tentative plans with Rosalie to go out for coffee the next day I have off so we could chat without the prying eyes of my co-workers and her family. Rose had mentioned that the only person that she truly trusted in her family was Edward. Her parents were too worried about her eating habits and Jasper was an immature brat who just didn't get it. Edward, her protector from the moment she was born, was the most affected by her attack and the one that Rose turned to the most. She wanted someone else besides her oldest brother and her therapist. That was going to be me.

The ride up in the elevator to our suite was tense. It wasn't a bad thing though. It was more sexual. Edward's fingers glided along my back and I could feel my body react to his soft, gentle caress. "Do you know how beautiful you looked tonight?" he murmured in the quiet elevator.

I blushed and ducked my head. I had felt pretty, but honestly, compared to the other women in the room, I was not beautiful. I was still heavy. I was still not the woman that belonged on Edward's arm.

"I can see what you're thinking, Bella," he chided as the elevator opened. "That you are not 'beautiful.' That you don't deserve my compliments." He laced his fingers with mine and we walked down the hallway to the room. "You do, sweet girl."

"I'm still having a hard time accepting the fact that you want me," I answered. Edward sighed and opened the door we had stopped in front of. Obviously, he was frustrated with me. Perhaps, I should just take my bag and go. Inside of the room, I walked to the bag and bent down. I picked it up and steeled myself to leave. "I'm sorry, Edward."

"Why are you holding your bag?" Edward asked, arching a brow.

"I'm pissing you off. I'll just go," I mumbled.

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