Chapter Twelve

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This is different from the norm. In all of the stories that I've read or that I've seen, all of the characters are disgustingly perfect unless they are written with very clear flaws. This story is about love (um, duh! Look who's writing it. I'm the queen of romance), and finding it in the least likely place with the least likely person.

Now, this story is based in a hospital. My medical training comes from...WebMD. I'm not a doctor, nor do I claim to be. I'm a music teacher who has a wild imagination and a penchant for all things Twilight (and with this story, added in a mix of ER! I loved Luca Kovac...) Which brings me to my disclaimer: None of this is mine. I'm not, nor ever will be, Stephenie Meyer. If was, I'd be rolling in the dough from her insane imagination that gave us Bella and Edward. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter Twelve


I guided Bella into my office. She was shaking like a leaf. Tears were falling down her cheeks and blood was trickling down her neck from the quarter sized bald spot in the back of her head. I swiped a chart and Carmen on the way to my office. I could faintly hear Charlie bitching and moaning about having his civil liberties taken away. The security guards were ignoring him as they frog marched him to the elevators.

Well frog marched him as best they could with Charlie using crutches.

I sat Bella down on the couch once I removed her coat and looked at her injury. I pulled on a pair of gloves and gently dabbed at the base of her neck. She hissed quietly. "Sorry," I murmured as I cleaned the wound. "Are you okay?"

With a brusque shake of her head, she indicated 'no.'

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not right now," she said wearily. "How much did he get?"

"About the size of a quarter. If you wear your hair down, it should be fine," I said as I finished cleaning and sterilizing the section of her head that was now bald. She sighed. "After you speak with the police, do you want to see if Michele is available?" With a broken sob, Bella nodded emphatically. "Okay. I'll make a call up to her office. Carmen, can you clean and dress Bella's wound?"

"Sure, Dr. Cullen," Carmen said softly. I kissed Bella's forehead. She flinched as if I was going to hurt her. I frowned. My girl was terrified because of what her douchebag father did to her. I left my office and rode up to the fifth floor where Michele's office was located. I strode in, speaking briefly with the receptionist before walking into Michele's office. She was seated behind her desk, reading some emails.

"Dr. Palmer?" I asked.

"Hello, Dr. Cullen," she said with a warm smile. She stood up and I shook her hand. "What can I do for you?"

"Do you have any availability this afternoon? Any free time for a client?"

"For you?" she asked, arching a brow.

"No. For Bella," I replied. "I know that you see her. We've talked briefly about your sessions on a personal level and well, something happened today that she's going to need you. She's going to need all of us, really."

"Of course, Dr. Cullen," she said. "Can I ask what happened?"

"Her father attacked her in the ambulance bay," I grimaced. "She's getting treated downstairs for getting her hair pulled out before speaking with the police."

"Oh my," Michele gasped. "When she's done, send her up to my office. I'm just catching up on some dictation and such. No patients today. I'll let Shelly, my receptionist, know to send her back."

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