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Are you still with me? Please say that you are...Thank you for your patience in my wacky updating schedule. My life has changed rapidly over the past few weeks. I have an update on my blog about that if you're curious. Anyhow, I do thank you for sticking with me.

Now, none of this is mine. I'm no Stephenie Meyer (though there are days that I wish I was. Getting paid millions to write? Yes and please.) I like to slip into her world and borrow her characters because they are just so epically awesome!

We've made it. The epilogue...holy crap. It's bittersweet that this is ending. I've grown to love and cherish these characters. Now, I'm going to do a long author's note up top and nada on the bottom. So, here goes...thank you to everyone who followed along with this story. I am truly blown away at how much people cared for these characters. Seeing a flawed Bella, a dorky Edward and a dark Charlie...who knew? Anyhow, the good times, the bad and the mediocre, they've all help me grow as a writer. Thank you to those of you who gave opinions (there are so many to list, but I appreciate every single opinion, suggestion and word of encouragement), who provided artwork, who have just been there when I was moments away from pulling this (trust me, the flamers got me and I was so close).

As far as I'm concerned, the story of 'Sweet Girl' and 'Sexward Tattward' is over. There is one more chapter...but it's an outtake. It will be posted as a separate story calledHealing Touch. It was written a year ago for the Fandom for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I'm glad you enjoyed this and I'm truly blessed at the support that you've all given me as I wrote this baby. Much love! ~ Tufano79

PS ~ There will be a lemon in the epi. I promise!

Chapter Thirty-Five: Epilogue

Ten Years Later


"Thank you, Dr. Cullen," said my young patient, Sarah.

"Now, what did I say?" I admonished, giving her a soft and encouraging smile. She may be my patient, but I wanted her to feel comfortable with me. I wanted her to call my by my first name.

"Sorry, Bella," she blushed, shooting a furtive glance my direction. "I'll see you next week?"

"Nope, in three weeks, Sarah. I'm going on vacation with my husband and my family," I explained. She panicked. Sarah didn't handle change well. Every week, we spent an hour in my office on Wednesday talking about school, life and anxieties surrounding them. She was also mildly autistic and suffered from a fairly severe case of OCD. "Breathe, Sarah." She panted and wrapped her arms around her belly. After a few moments, she calmed, looking at me with wide eyes. "You have the number of my associate, Dr. Greene. If it's an emergency, she can call me okay?"

Sarah breathed deeply and looked at her feet. She was still slightly panicked. "Okay," she replied. Swallowing convulsively, she looked back up at me. "Where are you going on vacation?"

"We're going to the Outer Banks," I responded, walking with her to reception. "We're celebrating our ten year wedding anniversary with our friends and family." The first week was going to be spent in Nags Head with our friends and family. After that, our children were going to fly back with Nana and Poppy to get ready for school. Edward and I were going to spend an additional week on our own, rekindling the fire.

Not like we needed help. We were plenty hot on our own.

"Have fun, Bella," Sarah said, giving me a timid smile. "Don't get too sunburnt."

"I won't," I replied, returning her grin. "See you when we get back." She nodded and I turned to go back to my office. Inside, I closed the door and began going through the motions of writing down the notes for Sarah's case while they were still fresh in my mind. I had gotten my psychology doctorate in three years, which was a marvel in and of itself. That first year in classes was brutal. I was just married, pregnant with my first child and suffering from the worst case of morning sickness. Ever.

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