Chapter Twenty-Three

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Anyhow, up next will be the lunch with Jasper, Edward and Bella. I'm thinking Rose and Emmett will be thrown in there for good measure, too. We're also going to have Garrett's welcome to Chicago party with the solidification of his and Alice's relationship. Finally, we're flying to Hawaii. If you have any suggestions on what our lovebirds should do in Hawaii, let me know. They're going to Oahu, in case you're wondering. I also mapped out the rest of the story. Once we get back from our vacay, it's not going to pretty. Angst is coming. The elusive it is just on the horizon.

Now, this story is based in a hospital. My medical training comes from...WebMD and Wikipedia. I'm not a doctor, nor do I claim to be. I'm a music teacher who has a wild imagination and a penchant for all things Twilight (and with this story, added in a mix of ER! I loved Luca Kovac...) Which brings me to my disclaimer: None of this is mine. I'm not, nor ever will be, Stephenie Meyer. If was, I'd be rolling in the dough from her insane imagination that gave us Bella and Edward. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Edward has been acting weird lately. He won't look me in the eye and he's acting so guilty. I've tried to talk to him but he kisses me and makes me forget what I wanted to say with lots of orgasms. I'm determined, today, to find out why he's been trying to kill me with his platinum tongue.

So I'm going to ambush him.

In the bathroom.

Not while he's taking a dump or anything. My man is quite noxious when he does, though. Ewwww...must invest in lots and lots of air freshener. And candles...Yankee Candle is having their Semi-Annual clearance. Fluffy Towels is a great scent. Put it on the to-do list.

I digress. Edward's in the shower and I'm going finally confront him about his odd behavior.

Quietly, I slid into the bathroom and hopped up on the counter after I got back from an overnight shift that I covered for Ben, who caught Angela's summer cold. Edward was humming quietly while he was washing his hair. He was wiggling his butt to the beat in his head. He rinsed his hair and turned off the water. Turning around, he swiped a towel from the bar and rubbed it over his wet hair. I folded my legs underneath me and waited patiently. He opened the shower door and stepped out. He was wrapping the towel around his waist when I decided to pounce.

"Are you ever going to tell me why you're being weird?" I asked.

Edward screamed, dropping his towel onto the ground. "Holy FUCK! Bella, you scared the shit out of me!" he squealed.

"I highly doubt that since the room doesn't smell like a toxic waste dump," I giggled. He rolled his eyes, wrapping the towel back around his waist. "Seriously, why are you acting so jumpy?" My insecurities came flying back. "Do you want me to move out?"

"What?! No!" he said as he crossed over to me, taking my face into his warm, wet palms. He leaned down and kissed me softly. His mouth was warm and pliant, molding with my lips.

I pulled back, pushing him away. "No nookie. You're talking, Cullen. Why are you acting like cat in a room full of rocking chairs?" He frowned and dropped his gaze to my chest. "No staring at the ta-tas. Answer me, Edward." I tipped his head back so he would look me in the eyes.

He sighed and tucked an errant hair behind my ear. "Earlier this week, my brother came by," he said quietly. I bristled. Ugh, Jasper. Blah...Jasper pissed me off something awful. He was such an ass. Edward must have felt my reaction and he ran his hands along my back. "I know that you don't like him. Hell, he's not my favorite person either."

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