Chapter Thirty-One

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Are you still with me? Please say that you are...Thank you for your patience in my wacky updating schedule. My life has changed rapidly over the past few weeks. I have an update on my blog about that if you're curious. Anyhow, I do thank you for sticking with me.

Now, none of this is mine. I'm no Stephenie Meyer (though there are days that I wish I was. Getting paid millions to write? Yes and please.) I like to slip into her world and borrow her characters because they are just so epically awesome!

Chapter Thirty-One


"Something's wrong," Charlie grumbled. He had moved us to one of the trauma rooms. "Jacob should be back by now. Fucking, good for nothing asshole. He guaranteed me that this would work."

"You really believed him?" Alice snarked as she finished suturing my arm. "Jacob is not the sharpest tool in the shed. He got himself fired. He wasn't careful and you believed him that he could get you your drugs and you can walk out of here like it was no big deal? Have you looked out the window?"

"I'd shut your mouth, bitch," Charlie spat, whipping his gun up. "I made a promise to your fucktard boyfriends but who's to say that I follow through."

"It doesn't matter. You're going down, regardless of what happens," Alice said, finishing my stitches. "It's only a matter of time." Charlie roared and grabbed Alice by the throat, tossing her across the trauma room.

Charlie started smacking Alice. "This is all Jacob's fault. Worthless piece of shit. You two will pay for his mistakes." His fist closed and he was about to punch Alice.

"Stop it!" I screamed.

Charlie turned and glared at me. His eyes were black fire. "This is your fault, you fucking CUNT! I hate you! I've always hated you!" He raised his gun, cocking the trigger. With a guttural roar, shots rang out. Searing pain radiated through my body. Before he could shoot anymore, he was trampled by men in black. I slumped to the floor. I couldn't breathe.

"Bella! Bella!" Alice screamed frantically. "Fuck, you stay with me. You hear me?! Stay with me. Edward needs you!"

"Edward," I whispered. "Need Edward."

"Edward! I need you!" Garrett shouted. "Help me get her on the gurney."

Edward's here? Please, baby. Make it better. In my pain induced fog, I saw him by my legs. The pain was getting worse and I couldn't catch my breath. I felt like I was drowning. "Edward..." I moaned. My eyes drifted shut and blackness surrounded me. The pain was still there, but silent.

Blissful silence.

MORE PAIN. My body jumped as my skin felt like it was on fire.

Coolness, silence, tranquility.

FIRE! Agony! Stop! Stop! Stop!

I need to rest. Must sleep. Make the pain go away...please...

"You promise me...p-p-p-prom-m-mise me that y-y-you s-s-s-save her," Edward sobbed. "Do everything in your f-f-f-fuck-k-k-king power to make her b-b-b-b-better!"




"Alice, did you get her jewelry?"

"Here, Garrett. Give it to Edward. He'll keep it safe for her."

No! I want my jewelry. Please, it keeps Edward close. I need Edward. Where's Edward? I moaned.

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