Chapter 3~Whoops

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Airi p.o.v

"Oh shit i'm so sorry you ok"

He jumped up quickly and helped me up to my feet he was so attractive his smile was the cutest.

"I'm Tray but everyone calls me the one and only Mr. Bills yadigggg"

I giggled at his hilarious attempt to flirt.

"Well I am Airionna but everyone calls me Airi I am 19 years of age and I am a youtuber."

"Im 20 years of age and I do youtube to with my cousin Chris but you can just call him Gilly"

I blushed and started thinking i'm really gonna live with this nigga for who knows how long.

Tray p.o.v

Airi was really beautiful I can tell by her innocent looks that she isn't like one of these hoes that are always trying to hit on me this girl just might be the death of me.

"Soooo Airi I see you just met Tray"

Airi turned towards Nique and started blushing

"Yeah we met in a very funny way"

She looked over at me and winked I stared at the floor blushing.

"Well are ya gonna keep being all lovey dovey or are ya gonna look for your rooms?"

I looked at Nique and laughed.

"Hey Airi shall we"

I stuck out my arm for her to stick her arm through.

"We shall."

We skipped around the house like a happy couple tripping over our shoes and laughing.

"You guys time to meet Carmen and Corey"

When Airi and I skipped into the kitchen hand in hand we tripped and she ended up straddling me in front of everyone.

Airi p.o.v

Everyone looked at us wide mouth while they saw me straddling Tray I mean I liked it but I didn't want to get my hopes up to quick.

"So Airi you finna get up or sit on this nigga for EVAAA"

I glared at Nique and looked down at Tray and noticed him smiling I blushed and got up helping him to his feet.

"2 falls in not even an hour I guess it was meant to be"

I looked at Tray and nudged him.

"Okay guys everyone introduce ya selves"

I decided to start since everyone looked shy.

"Well i'm Airionna not Ariana my name is spelt A-I-R-I-O-N-N-A . I am 19 years of age I used to live with my mom, step dad, my two sisters and my son Daniel or Dan Dan. I-"

"Wait wait wait wait you have a SON."

I looked over at Tray and saw the expression on his face it looked like he was judging and discriminating me. Tears started to well up in my eyes and I just looked at my feet in hatred feeling insecure in myself

"Y-y-yeah "

A tear slipped out of my eye I walked out of the room into the nearest bathroom.

"My nigga why u judging her like that the fuck? Do you know what happened to her that landed her with a kid?"

I heard the whole crew screaming at Tray. I locked the door and started sobbing not because I regret having Dan Dan but because I let another boy into my life not letting him know my background and ended up in the same situation.

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