Airionna's p.o.v
Hi my name is Airionna Lynch but everyone calls me Airi. I am 20 years of age, have a youtube channel by the name Iamjustairi and I had a pretty horrific break up which resulted in me having a baby his name is Daniel but we call him DanDan. Of course you all are wondering a baby is a blessing how is that horrific? Don't get me wrong Daniel has to be the best thing that has ever happened to me I love that little boy with all my heart but, it was the way he came to this world. I was raped by my baby daddy we still communicate but I don't want him no where near me or my baby point blank period. You also might be wondering WHAT AIRI HOW DID YOU GO ON ? Well I was a bit depressed and insecure knowing I was a rape victim but after DanDan was born he made me the happiest mother alive of course I was still insecure but Nique helped me with that. I did open up to relationships but once I let the boy know I have a baby they avoid me, stop talking to me or they just judge me and i've just given up boys all together and no i'm not lesbian I'm still attracted to men i've just layed a little low on relationships.
Trayce's p.o.v
YURRRRRRRRRR! IT'S MR.BILLS I DO THIS FOREAL YADIGGGG. Ii let me stop but i'm Trayce Billingsley but everyone calls me... Mr.Bills yadiggg and I am 21 years old, have a youtube channel with my cousin Chris called Chris and Tray and i'm from Atlanta,Georgia. Relationships isn't really my thing yadigg what im saying i'm more of a booty call type of nigga cuz all I want is that bootyyyy. Nah i'm playing ion do booty calls I just haven't found the right girl who suits me perfectly but my parents are also very strict on me with relationships and all that so I guess i've never really had an relationship. Yes i've fancied many girls but it never works out they either use me to make their ex's jealous, their gold diggers or just want sex. I can say dated about 3 people in my past time 2 in high school and 1 in college. My high school relationships aren't really relationships because we only saw each other in school no where else my college relationship has to be the realest I had we made a year together but of course things happen and we didn't last long but, hopefully I find a girl who I am attracted too physically and mentally.
(Authors note)
Hi guys sorry this chapter was a bit short but this is my first story and of course there will be a few grammar and spelling mistakes but, i'll fix it as soon as I can please comment and share this book and comment down a few suggestions for the next chapter.
With Love~ Alyssa ✨💋
P.s listen to Airi's song up above.
Love and Limitations
RomansAirionna (Airi) moves in with her friends Nique and King in Houston,Texas. Turns out its not only them living in the house there's new people moving in as well. Tracey(Tray),Chris(Gilly),Carmen and Corey. Airi and Tray has an automatic attraction to...