Chapter Two

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I smiled. “Liam. I know someone called Liam.”

“Oh, really? Who?”

“A guy who used to live on my street.”

“What happened to him?”

“He grew up. Completed University, Met  a girl and got married.”

“Lucky guy.” Says Liam, sighing and pressing his head against the back of the chair.

“What? You don’t think a guy like you will have the same fate?”

“Well… Wait what do you mean a guy like me?”

I blush. “Well.. y’know… attractive… kind of cute… intelligent?”

“You think I’m attractive?” said Liam, Frowning. “And I can be as dumb as a-“

“Doornail?” I ask.

He grins. “Right. Doornail.”

“So why don’t you think you’re going to have a happy ending?”

“Well, Because the girl who I’m supposed to live happily ever after with… just dumped me.” He said, sighing.

“How do you know-“

“I just do. She’s incredible, smart, kind, generous-“

“Yeah, Yeah. I get it.. perfect.” I said, my hopes sinking. Of course he had a girl. A guy like him, A guy like him WOULD had a girl. Guys like him always had a girl.

“She is.” He said, blushing and smiling. “I just..”

I looked up. “Oh crap!” I said, faking panic. “It’s my stop!” I grabbed my bag, pressed the red button and sprinted all the way down to the front of the bus. The bus driver stopped the bus obediently outside the foreign bus stop and I smiled and said “Thank You.” Quietly, and jumping off the steps I waved at Liam who was smiling and waving back at me.

When the bus left I breathed a sigh of relief, Finally, escape from Lover Boy. I sat down in a heap and pressed my hands against my sweaty forehead, Ugh.. I was so tired, And according to the bus timetable the next bus was coming in… seven minutes. Oh well, That’s not so bad…

The next bus came quickly, well, And I know how incredibly cheesy, cliché, love sick, demented and completely idiotic this is going to sound. And I know how I never, ever imagined thinking these words. But the whole bus ride home, I just kept thinking about Liam’s smile.

“Thank You!” I said loudly to the bus driver, and jumping on off the bus, I walked down my street, I stopped by one of the lamppost’s and swung around it, Like how they do in the movies. I flung my hair back and laughed, It wasn’t particularly funny… I was just happy.

It was so gorgeous, this feeling, It’s hard to describe a feeling as gorgeous, but if I had to pick any moment it would be this. I couldn’t believe how happy and light I felt. I mean I barley knew this guy! And he had a girlfriend, I know I was probably never going to see him again, And never feel this happy again but right now, This feeling was the best thing in the world.

I opened the gate and skipped down the driveway, And with a twirl I spun around and unlocked the door, I closed it and sighed. “IM HOME.” I called down the long empty hallway.

A second later I heard my mother shout back. “HI HONEY!”

I dropped my bags by the front of my room and did a little dance, imitating a robot, I stopped and spun around and around and around, I grinned and let my hair fly around, hitting my face. Stopping abruptly I stumbled a bit, feeling dizzy.

I skipped down the hallway and opened the door leading to the kitchen, I grabbed mum, gave her a hug and a kiss.

“Well, Someone’s in a happy mood!” She said, laughing. “Is that… are you blushing…? Did you meet a boy?” She said, squealing.

“What? No! I’m just happy.” I said defensively.

“Hmm..” she said, in a mock-suspicious voice. “Me thinks not.”

“Mhmm.. That smells nice.” I said, sniffing the air. “What’s that? What’s for dinner?”

“Omelette’s with cheese, tomato and basil.” She said, shifting the frying pan.

I grinned. “That sounds delicious!”

“It is.”

“So what happened at school today?” aqsked Mum, her eyes on the food.

“Well I had maths, then double English… Oh! I took my religion test.”

“Oh, That’s great! How did you go?”

“Good, but there was a couple of questions I didn’t know.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah, just the ones about the saints and stuff.”

“Hmm.” She said,shooting me  a suspicious look. "So what's his name?"

"Who's name?" I said innocently.

"This boy, The one you like."

"I don't like any boy."

"Sure you do." She said, winking.






Ok, so i have decided to continue this story and Have worked out a plan for it :) I hope y'all like it.


X Gwen

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