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3rd person POV
"So...A lot has happened since we've last spoken. You all know me as Sage but I've been keeping a secret not only my parents know." Sage pauses and looks down. "I was known as Alyssa by most of the people I used to associate with... Alyssa Stewart." Sage smiles looking at the camera. "Those of you watching I want you to know I'm fine... I'm doing well. I have a kid now! Her name is Octavia, She is three and growing. For those of you who haven't heard from me I'm sorry. I needed to get away. The lights and cameras were way too much. Which is why I'm coming back. Back and better than ever." Sage stops and ends the video. Millions watch, including her brother,her friends and Tanner, Tanner Fox. Right away he contacted her.
Sage's POV
I received a DM from the one and only Tanner Fox. I was hesitating to open it but I did. "Hey Lyssa! I saw your video and I was wondering if you wanted to link up any time soon?" I smiled at the text and responded shortly. "Sure! I'd love too!" I waited for a response. "What's your number?" He questions. I responded with my number. Soon I was receiving a phone call, I was cooking dinner for myself and my daughter. I answered setting the phone up against the salt and pepper. He smiled once I answered. I heard multiple Hi's as I looked up seeing The Funk bros and himself. I smiled and waved at them. "Hello boy's, long time no talk." I chuckled. "I know, how have you been?" Tanner asked. "I have been good" as they began to ask a question they were cut off, cut off by a voice of a baby. "Mommy! What's for dinner?" Octavia questioned me. "Mac n' cheese with nuggets." I spoke. I smiled once I heard a squeal. "My favorite!" She smiled climbing up to the stool. "Who are you on the phone with momma?" I smiled and walked over to her with the phone. I sat next to her and pointed the camera in her direction. "Say hi to Tanner, Cory and Capron." I spoke. "Hi, Twanner, Cowey and Cap." She spoke giving up on Capron's name. We all laughed. "Hello Octavia" they spoke at the same time. I smiled as they spoke to each other. I heard a knock at the door. "Keep talking to them baby." I spoke, I looked over to see her in deep conversation with the boys, or at least her version of deep, which consists of unicorns and princesses. I opened the door to see my brother and Lizzy. I smiled as I felt tears brim in my eyes. "Hello guys." I opened my arms. Lance was the first to embrace me. "I was so scared! I missed you so much Sis." Lance whispered in my ear. "I missed you,so much." I spoke with tears streaming down my cheeks. Lizzy joined in. I smiled at the two. "Come in!" I smiled and let them in. "This place yours?" Lance asked. "Indeed it is." I smiled leading them to the kitchen. Octavia was still speaking. "Baby." I spoke getting her attention. She turned her attention to me telling tanner to hold on. "Yes mommy?" She asked genuinely confused about the people behind me. "Meet your uncle and aunt." I spoke smiling. She smiled and set down the phone running to give lance a hug. She knew who they were, I showed and informed her in advance knowing they were coming tonight. As they were speaking I went to my phone. "Babe, I'll talk to you once dinner is done." I spoke to tanner. He smiled "Alright beautiful." I smiled and blushed. I blew a kiss and hung up. I got the plates and food ready. They sat at the table as I set Octavia's food down first. I then Brought their food along with mine. "Drinks?" They asked for Coke while Octavia asked for milk. I brought back the drinks and sat down.

After dinner, we caught up on everything. It was time to bathe and put Octavia to sleep. While I was bathing her Lizzy came in. "Hello Lizzy." I spoke. "hey, need any help?" She spoke. "Uh... Sure, can you pick out clothes for her please." I asked washing her hair. She nodded and walked to get her clothes. Once Octavia was asleep I decided to call it a night, Lizzy and lance left while I watched TV. I revived a text from tanner. "Address?" I smiled and responded with my address. "Okay!" He responded.

About 20 minutes later while I was falling asleep I heard a knock. I slowly got up and walked to the door. I saw tanner. I smiled and opened my arms, he hugged me lifting me off the ground. "Hello beautiful!" He spoke softly. I smiled "Hi love!" I spoke smiling. "Did I interrupt anything?" He asked. I shook my head no letting him in. "Your room?" He asked. I nodded and lead him there. We cuddled up and watched Netflix. I don't know when but I fell asleep, before I fell asleep I heard. "Goodnight baby, I love you." I respond with a "I love you too" and fell asleep.

I woke up to the sounds of giggling and cooking. I walked down the stairs in a shirt with shorts. I saw tanner cooking with Octavia in the stool talking to him. I smiled and walked behind tanner hugging him from behind. He smiled and turned hugging me. "good morning beautiful." He spoke. "Morning love!" I smiled. He smiled and went back to cooking. I looked at Octavia seeing her happy. I looked around and saw the happiness I had so desperately been craving. Octavia was enough but I was missing something. I did know it but I didn't want to admit it. We sat and ate together. And smiled... this is my paradise and I can get used to this.

Thank you for reading! This is where this story is going, Tanner is her future as of now and we will see what happens! This chapter was dedicated to TheLilParadise lilrollins123  I love my supporters and people that comment!

My life as Lance Stewarts sisterWhere stories live. Discover now