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Sage's POV
After Tanner left everything went back to normal. Octavia was watching spongebob and I was on my phone. I received a text. "Hello beautiful" I read. I was confused but I realized it was Chris. "Hello Chris" I responded. "Hey, I was wondering if I could come over later?" he responded. "sure" I stated turning off my phone. I then got in the shower washing my hair. once I got done I put on some black joggers and a purple cropped top. I put my messy curly black hair in a bun. I walked into Octavia's room to check in on her. She was still asleep so I decided to go downstairs to make some food for myself, her and Chris.

I was just about done preparing pancakes. bacon and eggs when I heard a knock at the door. I walked to the door and opened it. I smiled and hugged Chris. "hey love." I spoke. "Hey!" he responded. Once we pulled away Tavia ran down the stairs. "hey momma!" She spoke running to me. I picked her up. "Hey princess!" I smiled kissing her cheek. "Momma two questions." She spoke looking at me. "What may that be baby." I ask smiling. "Won, who is twis?(this) And two, can you put up my hair?" (I meant to spell one like that, it's the effect of her being a kid and not knowing how to speak properly.) she spoke. "This is Chris and sure." I smiled setting her down beginning to pull her hair up into a high ponytail. "Twhank you." She spoke. I smiled before saying "you're welcome, now let's go eat. Chris you can make yourself at home" I smiled at them.

After we all ate Chris look at Octavia and asked "What do you want to do today?" He asked. She looked into the sky wondering before answering. "I want to go to the pwark" she spoke with a smile. I smiled at the both of them. "Okay, let's get you changed and we can go." He responded. I grabbed Octavia before bringing her upstairs to change her. She went around her pink room and decided to wear a purple shirt under white short overalls. I smiled and dressed her before doing her hair. "Want it down today babe?" I asked her. She nodded her head yes. I adjusted her hair and made sure she looked nice before turning and seeing Chris watching us. He smiled at me before picking up Octavia. I watched before following. I went in my room and threw on a black shirt with white shorts. I put on my checkered print black and grey vans. I smiled and ran downstairs. I grabbed my IPhone 8 Plus and let my hair down. I moved it around before receiving a call from lance. "Hello" I answered. I heard sniffs on the other side of the line. "Lance, what's wrong??" I asked getting concerned. "Lizzy... Lizzy and I broke up." He spoke. I felt my heart break for him. "Hey... it's going to be okay. How about you come meet Chris, Tavia and I at the park to distract yourself?" I spoke. "Okay... send me the address." He spoke with small sniffles. Once we got off the phone I decided to send him the park we were going to.

Once Chris, Octavia and I arrived we saw lances car. I walked over to the car and hugged lance. "Hey bro" I spoke as I heard his sniffle. I began to rub his back before kissing his cheek. "It's okay, let's go spend time with Tavia and have fun... okay?" I smiled as I spoke. "Alright..." He spoke before walking with me to see her. While at the park I began to have some conflict with myself. Tanner or Chris, that's all that ran through my mind. I decided to sit on top of the slide just thinking. I felt someone sit near me. "What's on your mind?" Lance asked. I looked at him with tears in the brim of my eyes. "I don't understand who I want to be with... Chris just came into my life again and Tanner did too... I don't just want to choose one and leave the other in the dirt..." I spoke. "Sis, this is God's plan, you have to realize that this will play out and when it does you will know." He spoke holding my hand. I smiled and put my head on his shoulder. "How do you always bring me clarity..." I spoke feelings relief. "If I knew I'd tell you." He spoke with a laugh. I smiled and slid down the slide. Lance slid down and yelled "Tag your it" while tagging me. I smiled and ran after him.

After a competitive Tag game I walked over to Chris noticing he was recording the whole thing for lances Vlog. I smiled and waved. Lance got the camera and walked away with Octavia. I laced my hands with Chris and smiled. "So... What have you been up to?" I asked looking at him. "Well I have been doing a lot but I missed you so much." He spoke. I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. I looked up at him and slowly began to lean in. We both began to lean in until his lips met mines. I felt electricity run through my body as I smiled kissing him. After a bit we pulled away as I looked at him. We walked hand and hand to lance and Octavia. "Mommy..." Octavia spoke. "Yes Doll?" I spoke looked down at her. "Can we go home, I'm tired." She spoke. I nodded as we began to go home.

Once we arrived home I put Octavia to bed and kissed her head. I was met by Chris as I smiled kissing him once again. "Can I stay?" He asked. I nodded and led him to my room. I smiled and began to change into my night clothes that consisted of an oversized tee. I walked downstairs and hugged lance. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked. He nodded kissing me on the head. He left as I turned off all the lights I saw Chris was asleep. I climbed into the bed and drifted asleep.

Heyyyy, it's me :) I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, someone wanted me to add Chris so here he is and I hope you enjoyed the fluff.  What do you guys suggest now? A love triangle? An accident? What? I need to know so I can make your reading experience high! Also if you wouldn't mind checking out my new story, it's called "Bad things" it's a story about the misfits! Thanks for reading!!!

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