Can't Remember To Forget You

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Wednesday, 21st October 2015

It has been 471 days since. Not that I was counting or anything. I will fill you in on what has been missed:

After I had finished my two week 'suspension' I went back to base. I was assigned to a new heavy horse regiment, with new people and a new commanding officer. I feel as though Lieutenant Slate put in a request for my commanding officer to be female. Petty. You might be waiting for the whole story where she made my life living hell when in actual fact, she is most likely nicer than your neighbour from across the road. Lieutenant Flood and I have become very close friends over the past year.

Janice and I also have stayed in touch with one another; we call each other at least once a day to check up on each other. She remains in the same regiment as Lieutenant Styles. Nothing has changed she said, 6 months after I got discharged they completed their deployment and were able to go back home for awhile to see their families. What I have heard is that Harry is doing fine which is no surprise but months ago, he suffered from a serious bullet wound from a training incident but made a full recovery.

After I left Callan's house.... He tried ringing me several times afterwards. He left many voicemails but I forced myself to not listened to a single one. He even went as far as calling my mum, which she would always end up answering. She pestered me to tell her what was going on and and insisted for me to mend things with him, 'he's sorry,' she would tell me. I haven't heard from him since and I don't plan to either.

As for right now, my regiment was staying put at home base until the other regiments returned. My regiment had only returned from Afghanistan only eight weeks ago. Thankfully, we had a short and successful tour over there so that our stay wasn't too lengthy.



Friday, 23rd October 2015

Lieutenant Flood, myself and several others were ordered to the airport to escort the men and women arriving home from their deployment. We travel in two's in Humvee's to the airport. I step out of the vehicle as we park on the tarmac. The crisp air fills my lungs and as I exhale the condensation could easily give the perception of smoking a cigarette. The ground was moist from the rainfall earlier in the night. The reflection of the lights bounced off the wet tarmac and into the night. The cargo plane back drops as soldiers disembark. Lieutenant Flood gets out of the Humvee and straightens out her uniform.

"What regiment is this?" I ask.

"the 14th Heavy Horse regiment," She says not taking her eyes off of the plane.  The 14th Heavy Horse regiment is my regiment. Well... was. That means that Harry is more than likely here.

"Morning Lieutenant Styles, I'm Lieutenant Flood and here with me is Private Crosby," I stand a few steps behind Lieutenant Flood as she introduces herself to Harry. He shakes her hand whilst making eye contact with me over her shoulder. My heart rate elevates.

"Nice to meet you two," He grins.



Friday, 23rd October 2015

"Long time no see," Harry stands behind me as I do my maintenance on the M1 Abrams.

"Yeah well, someone sent me home and then another sent me to a different regiment but yeah. Long time no see, Lieutenant Styles."

"You're still mad? That shit happened over a year ago," He exclaims. I drop what I am doing to look at him. A year really has done him good. You can tell that he has recently had a haircut and it really makes his jawline more prominent. His eyes are sharper and greener than the spring grass. His skin even tanner than before. Despite the changes in his features, he's still the same boy that sent me home in Afghanistan.

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