I'm a Mess

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Saturday, 3rd January 2016

Everyone was on break for the holidays that had just flown by. New Years was your typical night; party filled with everyone on the hunt for a New Years Kiss. For me, I was at my mum's house watching the fireworks shooting off the iconic Sydney Bridge by myself and I caught myself thinking what Harry might be doing. Harry went back to the United Kingdom to spend his holidays with his family since he hadn't seen them since last holidays.

It was two days since New Years yet everyone is still somehow recovering from hangovers.

"Olivia," I hear my name being called from outside. I sit up from the sticky leather couch that my skin reluctantly removed itself from. It was the hottest and driest summer ever. I turn off the fan that wasn't helping what-so-ever since everyone in this bloody house leaves every possible door and window open. I trudge to the balcony that over-looked the Glen Alpine Golf Course. My siblings were playing in the pool with the dogs.

"Come in!" Poppy beckons me. Poppy has been coming over a lot for some time now mum says. She thinks that she and Nate have broken up but are keeping it on the downlow since they were engaged to be married, although, she does continue to wear the ring none-the-less. I go back inside to change into a Carolina Blue two-piece swimsuit that shows off my tattoos. My phone vibrates on my bed where I chucked it earlier. I walk over to it to see that it was a snapchat from nonetheless, the man of the hour.



Saturday, 3rd January 2016

Poppy and myself decided to go hit the town before I had to leave. I said I would be the designated driver for tonight so that when she is pissed off her face, I can ask her personal questions that she wouldn't answer if she was sober. I grip the gear stick as we submerged onto the M5 to head into the city. I parked in a not-so busy street so that we wouldn't have to pay for a parking meter or a fine. I changed my joggers into the 5inch platforms that I couldn't drive in. We walked the pact streets to the endless lines that lead to overcrowded clubs.



Sunday, 4th January 2016

My skin was glistening; not from my Jeffree Star highlighter but because of the heat radiating off everyone. I forgot that I was designated driver for tonight and took four too many shots with a hot stranger. As I disconnected myself from the conversation I was in I looked over to see my sister messily grinding on a tall man who was enjoying himself. I let her do her own thing tonight. My phone lit up on the table that held our drinks and before my intoxicated brain could react, the girl that I had just met took it into her own hand.

"Who's Styles?" She sloppily asks. My eyes lit up as I tried to take it back as I leaned over the other girl sitting between us.

"No one," I yell over the music.

"Then you won't mind me answering," She says as she slides the button across the screen before putting it up to her ear while she plugs the other with her index finger to hear better.


"She's busy at the moment, who's this?" We all try and listen to what's being said over the music as I gave up grabbing for my phone.

"Ahhh, Harry. Such a hot name, hopefully the name fits," I roll my eyes as a giggle leaves my lips. If only she knew.

"Wait, are you the army dude Harry?" I vaguely remember talking about Harry earlier on the night to the girls as we shared the 'juicy' parts of our lives that we would never speak of if sober - especially not with strangers.

Gone by Dawn | Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now