Best of Friends (M. Jesse, Petra, Lukas)

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Not focusing on any ships, but there are hints of Jetra (I'm sorry, I can't help myself...).

This is part of something I might or might not be working on in the future, which is set after the events of MCSM Season 2.

As a backstory: Group consists of Jesse, Petra, Lukas, Aiden, Ivor, Soren, and Jack (very weird bunch, isn't it?). In the midst of a conflict against a dark foe, this particular group treks to the Whispering Mountains to do something that I haven't decided on right now. Jesse also has elemental fire powers as part of the story.

The group had set up camp that night. It had been days and nights of exhausting travel, and everyone could use a welcome break.

Most of the group gathered around a campfire set up with the help of Jesse's fire powers. And once again, Jack had a story to spin off to entertain them.

"I fought hard against the savages of the Spider Peak Mountain, but they wouldn't let me go. With every last bit of my strength, I tore free of their clutches... and came home with a fresh set of treasured diamond armor."

"Sounds like a place we should check on on our free time sometime, eh, Ivor?" Soren nudged his old friend.

"As if our time was ever free, Soren!" retorted the potionologist-turned-ninja.

"Why? Spending all of it on dates with Harper?" Soren shot back jokingly.

Aiden, now an up-and-coming author from his new home world, had been jotting down notes of Jack's crazy stories, with Lukas offering his old friend some tips about writing.

As for Lukas, he decided he had heard enough about Jack's own adventures and decided to check on the last two members of the group... and strangely, the most grim of them as well.

Further away from the fire, Jesse and Petra sat on a log, planning out the next day. Jesse was studying a map of the area that he borrowed from Jack, while Petra gazed absentmindedly at her enchanted gold sword... strangely not Miss Butter or its successor that she acquired from the Sunshine Institute.

"Hey, guys," said Lukas, sitting down across from them. He shivered from the cold away from the fire. "Brr... it's cold here. How are you guys handling it?"

"I have my ways," said Jesse, holding out his hand, which was glowing a warm, inviting orange hue. The energy given off by Jesse's fire powers kept him and Petra warm. "You could join in, if it's not awkward for you..."

Lukas waved it off. "It's alright." He pulled out a lit torch instead.

"So... getting bored by Jack's tales yet?" joked Petra.

"A little," admitted Lukas, taking off his goggles for a moment to wipe his brow. "That guy has a lot to talk about, though, and you don't know when he stops!"

"And you still don't know the half of it," added Jesse. "Jack can just go on and on and on and on..."

The three chuckled softly so that Jack wouldn't hear.

"Don't you kinda miss this?" asked Lukas. "The three of us and Ivor, wandering the Portal Hallway to no end..."

"I do," replied Jesse. "I still remember having to find Ivor buried in all that sheep!"

"The lava race in the Old Builders' games," Petra said.

Jesse shuddered. "Please don't bring me back to having to watch you die at that race," he said to her, recalling what happened then.

"Yeah, that sucked," agreed Petra. "But I didn't want to see that fate happen to you. That's why I stepped in."

"And then there's being crushed in Spleef," added Lukas, thinking about how he and Ivor were eliminated in the Spleef game. "I hate dying, but I can't decide if it's worse than respawning."

"But the point is that we all had each other through all of the portal ordeal," Jesse said. "Sometimes, we need to enjoy those moments while they last."

"Yeah... with Jack, and all that Admin ordeal... moments like that were pretty hard to come by," said Petra. "Not that sending Jack to the clock was the best idea, but I'm glad you kept me around to help you guys in the ice palace."

She ran a finger along the shiny gold surface of her sword. In faint letters, two words were engraved in the blade.

Penagar's Wit.

"So is that Miss Butter's successor?" asked Lukas, pointing at the gleaming blade. "Where'd you get it?"

"In the Dragon Realm," she replied. "We lost our original weapons, so the dragons let us take new weapons from their armory."

"Never heard of dragons using weapons. I thought they were more claws, teeth, and wild fire breath," said Lukas. "How smart were they?"

"They're actually quite sophisticated," said Jesse. "They knew everything about forging and using weapons, as well as enchantments, especially after their alliances with our race. That's how I got my new sword, too."

He pulled out his new enchanted diamond sword, which gleamed in the darkness. Engraved on its blade was Kytheron's Resolve.

"According to our dragon friend, these enchanted blades were named after different dragon warriors who had first wielded them long ago," said Jesse. "Apparently passed down the generations from one warrior to another. Not sure how true these stories were, but we couldn't say no to new enchanted swords. And he was also nice enough to let us take one for you, too."

Jesse pulled out an enchanted iron sword and handed it to Lukas. "This one is Hydrax's Serenity."

Lukas took the blade, staring at its enchanted gleam in awe. "Wow... look at all the enchantments... thanks, guys. You really didn't have to do this."

Well... after you saved us from those monsters the other day, this the least we could do," replied Jesse.

Petra yawned and leaned her head on Jesse's shoulder tiredly. "Hope you guys are ready to kick butt tomorrow," she said.

"I definitely am," said Jesse, putting away his sword.

"A few months ago, I probably would've just stood back to record your awesome fights, but that was before your sister put me through weird training sessions, before Aiden began covering the job of chronicler for me, and before you gave me this cool sword," Lukas joked in reply as he looked up from his new sword. "So I guess I'm with you guys on this one."

The three best friends laughed at this. "Looks like my poor sister's going to miss out on some fun tomorrow," said Jesse. "Hope she's doing okay with Axel and Olivia in Beacontown."  He glanced at Petra, who was still trying not to doze off on his shoulder.

"We should try get some sleep over Jack's weird tales," he said to her and Lukas. "Hopefully, we can get some rest for tomorrow's trek, so we can be at least a little prepared for what might come."

Ships aside, does anyone agree with me that this trio of besties needs more love?

Also, three guesses where I got the names Penagar, Kytheron, and Hydrax...

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