Need a Break (Axel x Olivia)

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Note: This story uses male Jesse.

In Redstonia, the scientists and engineers were at their best, thanks to Olivia's seemingly tireless efforts to keep them on top of things.  

But Olivia wasn't doing the best herself.  Sure, being able to work up new things with redstone 24/7 was amazing, but she felt like she was overworking herself a little bit.  

Often, during the times she had small breaks, she would sit back and reminisce about the good times she had with the rest of the Order: Petra, Lukas, Jesse... and Axel.

Why Axel of all people? He was big, clumsy, and rude often. And he was way too much into destruction.

But inside, he is deeply loyal to his friends... and they've been best friends since childhood.

Olivia frowned at this. Was that all she was feeling right now? Or was there more that she felt toward Axel?


Despite the cut downs on rowdiness and brutal disorganization, Boom Town remained the wildest town in the world.  But at least it was safer for people to come and visit.

That was all thanks to Axel.  Now, Boom Town held amazing explosive (literally) rallies each Founding Day, as well as celebrations and less-deadly griefing games.

Axel was happy with this new life as leader of Boom Town.  At least, he liked to think he was happiest here.  But he always missed the good old adventuring days with his buddies.  Particularly Jesse and Petra.  But most of all...


Why her? he wondered.  True, Olivia may be pessimistic, negative, and maybe a little too analytical sometimes.  But she was still very smart.  Very smart, and not by his standards... by pretty much everyone else's standards as well.  She knew how to think through even the trickiest of situations sometimes.

She was his best friend since childhood as well.  Even before they met Jesse.

(Time Skip...)

Founding Day.  Finally.

The day that the Order would all see each other again.  Hopefully...

Lukas, along with Radar, Jack, Nurm, and Stella, waited by the gates of Beacontown for all of the other Order members to come back.

"Oh man," exclaimed Jack.  "I've always wanted to see all of you guys together again!"

"I know," agreed Radar.  "Moments like these are hard to come by!"

"Well, hope this works out," Lukas replied.

"Doesn't it always?" asked Stella, trying hard to suppress her inner fangirl.

Lukas scratched his neck thoughtfully.  "I don't really know... through letters I sent to Jesse and Petra, we were planning on something special for Axel and Olivia... but we haven't been in touch with those two for a while..."

Then, they could make out two figures in the distance, racing toward Beacontown, accompanied by a small white llama.  As they came closer, Lukas recognized them instantly.

"Jesse!  Petra!" he exclaimed.

Jesse slowed down at the sights of his friends.  But Petra, who was behind him, had other ideas.  She kept running faster, and leaped right onto Jesse's back, tackling him.  Both hit the ground hard...

...and slid to a stop right in front of Lukas's feet.

"Ow," grumbled Jesse.  "My chin."

"Hey, guys," said Lukas, taking a few steps back.  "I see you two have definitely been bonding."

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